Friday, September 3, 2010

ChartsEdge forecasts for subscribers show additional possibilities for the stock market

Folks, I don't yet see a publicly available forecast commentary from ChartsEdge at Mike Korell's public page, So I'll just remind you that, like Andre Gratian with his own separate and unique subscriber series (which is actually intraday commentary he emails), not to mention Raymond Merriman whose public weekly previews are just a taste of the forecasting detail he provides to his own subscribers - Mike Korell also has a set of info for his subscribers. I'm going to take the liberty of showing below his week-ahead pattern forecast for the market this week at his subscriber page.

Of course it isn't always spot on - nothing could be - and besides, the Friday portion can lose reliability (or keep it!) depending on how much of the move may have already played out. But it's food for thought and non-subscribers may as well see one of the additional items that he makes available:

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