Sunday, October 17, 2010

ChartsEdge week-ahead cycle-based forecasts for equities and gold

Below are the week-ahead cycle-based forecasts from ChartsEdge - and apparently these are also incorporating a somewhat more bullish tone, at least for the upcoming several months. And thanks again to Mike Korell! who's the cycles and geocosmic expert of ChartsEdge! No one method can give 100% certainty, 100% of the time, for where the markets are headed - that's why we refer to several good methods. And ChartsEdge's week-ahead forecasts more often than not, give a good sense about the relative lows and highs to come. (They're generated with a different method than he uses for his daily charts. Info on that is also at my "UBTNB3" blog.) So here's what he's showing for this week:

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