Monday, March 16, 2009

VIX and triple witching

A quick look at VIX (below), and a reminder that triple witching is in play. For a good article on how this may affect the markets this week, see "Monday Morning Outlook: Will Triple-Witching Create a Little March Madness? - The pattern of hope followed by disappointment does not bode well for short-term traders", posted this morning at Schaeffer's Research site by Todd Salamone (3/16/2009 7:00 AM Eastern).:

Readers looking for some more information on how triple witching can affect the markets this week should take a look at this article, Monday Morning Outlook: Will Triple-Witching Create a Little March Madness? - The pattern of hope followed by disappointment does not bode well for short-term traders, posted this morning at by Todd Salamone (3/16/2009 7:00 AM Eastern).

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