Thursday, April 30, 2009

ChartsEdge map for 4/30 - reprise, and comments for market cycle timers

I try always to remember to thank Mike Korell at ChartsEdge for his uncanny forecasts, both the weekly charts and the daily maps. He generates them using different methods for each (information on methodology, and subscriptions, at Chartsedge general site and specifically about the daily forecasts at Chartsedge Daily Market Maps). As usual this morning, I posted their daily map for today. And I was delighted that the market played it out very closely. That happens more often than not (especially looking at intraday timing rather than absolute levels). But, we shouldn't assume they'll always work, of course, or take them for granted - it's great to have the benefit of these forecasts.

This evening the joke's on me, I guess, because I looked in on the daily map link - and found it showing a map with today's date that's got a different shape for the day!

After I blinked, I looked again, and I don't see another daily map with the April 30 date in there, so I have to think that ChartsEdge issued a correction that I didn't see until the end of the day. What's really funny to me, is that the version I saw and posted this morning, worked just fine! Actually, that one seemed predictive for the SPX, and this one looks more like what the NDX did.

When you get right to it, the intraday cycle timing seems pretty much the same to me. And it's a reminder once again, it's really the intraday cycle timing (not absolute price levels) that these forecasts are to depict.

Cycles are just one of the methods that we look to bring here. Depending on readers' time frame and approach, you'll be wanting to consider various of the other methods we also bring to bear. Not everybody is into the use of cycles timing for analyzing market movements. But ChartsEdge's methods make it relatively simple to incorporate consideration of the cycles they analyze, into our market navigating.

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