Sunday, April 26, 2009

Objective Elliot Wave comments for this bear market rally: Tony Caldaro's focus on the S&P 500

the ELLIOTT WAVE lives on
Market analysis using proprietary Objective Elliott Wave techniques

April 25
weekend update

The US equity markets' six-week winning streak came to an end this week. But the market fought back from the Monday/Tuesday pullback to end the week only slightly lower. For the week the SPX/DOW were -0.55% and the NDX/NAZ were +1.35%. The Asian markets were -1.1%, Europe was +0.7%, and the Commodity equity markets were +1.75%. Economic reports were sparse and displayed a low level of economic activity or continuing weakness. Much attention was given to the so called "bank stress test". The results were discussed with bank CEO's on Friday, and the "spin" version of the results will be announced on May 4th. An unverified source claims that 16 of the 19 banks tested are technically insolvent. Keep this in mind in the weeks and months ahead.

LONG TERM: bear market
We restate, as we have since the March 6th lows, that this is a bear market rally. We expected the financials to lead for most of the uptrend. But didn't expect them to resort to fantasy accounting methods to raise more capital. We also expected bullishness to increase during the uptrend, and it's likely to increase even further in the weeks ahead. This is not a new bull market. At best, the March 2009 lows will need to be retested in the months ahead. At worse, the March 2009 lows will be broken in the months ahead. When this bear market rally nears its end, it's time to sell.

Technically, the October 2007 bear market has declined in three Major waves: ABC. Major waves A and C subdivided into five Intermediate waves i-ii-iii-iv-v. The low in March 2009 completed this zigzag pattern and we labeled it Primary wave A. From that low a Primary wave B bear market rally has been unfolding. Historically, these types of bear market rallies usually retrace 50% of the entire decline. This suggests an upside target in the SPX 1120's. Since we have a long term OEW pivot at 1107 this has been our target for Primary wave B. The current bear market and previous bull market labeling is posted below.

MEDIUM TERM: uptrend
The current uptrend has been the strongest, in terms of points (209) and percentage gain (31.3%), since the bear market began. Technically it has done everything expected and more, as demonstrated by its resilience in the latter part of this week. This Primary wave B uptrend should unfold in three Major waves: ABC. Each of the Major waves should subdivide into three Intermediate waves: abc. Thus far we labeled the first set of Intermediate waves: a (SPX 834), b (SPX 780), and c (SPX 876). This should have completed Major wave A, and Major wave B should be currently underway. When the diagonal triangle ended Major wave A (SPX 876) we expected a sharp selloff for Major wave B. The parameters were noted in last weeks report.

The market sold off on Monday, but bottomed on Tuesday at SPX 827 and spent the rest of the week rallying up to SPX 872 on Friday. Currently we see no reason to change our labeling for Major wave B. From the SPX 876 high we have been labeling the low at SPX 827 as Minor wave A, and the current rally as Minor wave B. Minor wave C of Intermediate wave A should follow. Then we should get an Intermediate wave B rally followed by an Intermediate wave C decline to complete Major wave B. The entire uptrend is posted on the SPX hourly chart in the chart link below.

Support remains at 848 then 789, with resistance at 912 and then 935. Short term momentum was extremely overbought on Friday and ended the day with a slight negative divergence. The current Minor B wave rally may have ended Friday. The SPX did get extremely overbought on both the hourly and shorter timeframe charts. As a result of this rally we will probably need to raise our downside targets for Major wave B. And Major wave B may unfold a lot quicker than expected. For now, we'll remain with the parameters set in last weekends report, and adjust accordingly as the market unfolds.

The Asian markets were mostly lower on the week with only India's BSE displaying a gain. Uptrends remain in force.
The European markets were mixed with the FTSE up and the DAX slightly lower. Both still uptrending with the DAX leading.
The Commodity equity markets performed the best on the week +1.75%. The BSVP is leading these uptrends.

Bonds lost 0.6% on the week as the downtrend in Bond prices continues, with a developing positive divergence.
Crude dropped 1.8% on the week but it's still uptrending.
Gold rallied 5.1% off the $865 low. An uptrend is not confirmed yet, but it is getting close.
The Currencies took advantage of USD weakness (-1.5%) and the Euro rallied (+1.7%) as did the Yen (+1.9%).

Busy week. The action starts on Tuesday with Case-Shiller home prices and a Consumer confidence reading. Then Wednesday Q1 GDP will be reported, estimates are around -5.0%, but we've heard estimates as low as -9.9%. Thursday then provides the weekly Jobless claims, the core PCE index, Consumer spending and the Chicago PMI. Then on Friday ISM, Factory orders and Auto sales. On Tuesday the FED starts its regular two day FOMC meeting, and will announce their findings Wednesday afternoon. This certainly provides the ingredients for a volatile week. Best to your trading!

Love oneself, or love oneself and all others. It's a choice.
Your future depends on it. Time is short. Make the choice!


Folks, you can always find Tony's Objective Elliott Wave website, including his daily commentaries and other services and his public charts (of many markets, indices, stocks, commodities, etc.) at his link, in the "other sites" listed at the right side of the page here. (Elliott Wave analysts, yes it's true that Tony has his own "special blend" of EW counting with the OEW system he developed. So, since I learned the "classic" way, I don't worry about trying to track my counts exactly with his, just appreciate his analysis and I think we get to the same place. We should pay attention to his weekly chart of the S&P 500, which he specifically included with his comments this weekend. Those MACD remains pointing up! and the RSI shows bullish divergence compared with the prior swing high, and is not overbought!)

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