Thursday, April 30, 2009

Some suggestions for reading about the economic situation

I'm just posting these for interesting reading about the economic situation and general market thoughts, and not intended to be as actionable recommendations on the financial markets:

Todd Harrison's article at MarketWatch, Sell in May and go away?

An article pointed out to me by one of my trading buddies & readers, at OptionMonster: Puts surge in industrial, consumer ETFsxly xli, Thu 6:15 AM CT - "The XLY and XLI exchange traded funds both saw enormous put buying yesterday in action that appears very bearish."

Hendry: Markets Assuming Optimism, at GreenLight Advisor, 29 Apr 2009 at 8:09am, coverage of comments on CNBC by Hugh Hendry, the outspoken hedge fund manager and founder of Eclectica Asset Management. The video is posted there but also a written synopsis of his comments. Including this one: "The rise in bond yields shows that the yield curve is flattening, pointing to more economic weakness ahead."

Rebecca Wilder’s economic updates (April 16 – 23): Expected to slide through 2009 - 26 Apr 2009 at 11:58pm. Guest contribution by Rebecca Wilder, author of the of the News N Economics blog; includes various economics charts.

Jim Rogers isn’t buying a US stock recovery (Barron’s) by GreenLight Advisor, 26 Apr 2009 at 11:55pm: "Legendary investor Jim Rogers is skeptical of the latest rally in equities - as well the health of the global economy."

PS - correction to something I stated in a post recently - April 30 is the end of quarter for many hedge funds (I'd said end of FY / fiscal year, which is actually end of October for many of these funds.)

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