Friday, May 8, 2009

ChartsEdge (U.S. equities) map for 5/8

Market Map for May08

Posted: May 8th, 2009
Author: Mike Korell
Filed under: One-Day Market Map Comments to ChartsEdge »


Thanks, Mike and ChartsEdge!
Folks - we've been working with a few alternative views of the equity markets, which I've summarized including in a post a while ago that pulled them apart with bullet points and some comments. The two primary ones are Tony Caldaro's views which he spells out at his Objective Elliott Wave website (see link in "other sites" listed at right); and another that would not see the SPX and DJIA above their January highs, before re-testing the March 2009 lows. Well, the market has chosen to march to an area that should tell us which it is.

Tony Caldaro's "B" wave aims above SPX 944, of course (the January high), to get to levels above 1000. Many are trying to "trade the pullback" but the market has not given swing traders any real opportunity for that. We may close out the day not knowing whether the market keeps marching up, or finally provides the pullback so many are looking for. Maybe the VIX will give a clue - it can do that by moving above, or below, yesterday's candle bar ... or maybe it will just give us an inside day and guessing into the weekend.

We'll cover this in more detail over the weekend. I'll be at the golf outing all day today, that I mentioned yesterday, no access even to my iPhone! So I'll probably be clueless about market action all day. Just be careful out there folks, we'll review more this weekend - happy market navigating!

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