Monday, May 18, 2009

Clouds Ahead? Schaeffer's Monday Outlook on VIX and more

This is an experiment in posting a link to this reading by Salamone, and White, I recommend every Monday. Posting from my iPhone, not sure if this will "work". Also I don't see ChartsEdge map for today, though their prior maps yesterday give clues of intraday decline. More later!
PS - looks like the experiment didn't work all that well - I've cleaned it up some, and you should still be able to click their link to read the article. I do still recommend reading the Todd Salamone and Rocky White entries weekly in Schaeffer's MMO -

Todd Salamone Monday Morning Outlook: Clouds Ahead, But a Growing Sense Crisis Has Subsided
By Todd Salamone

First week of five-week expiration cycle is often a bearish signal

Get set for a Monday Morning Makeover. Beginning Sunday, May 31, Monday Morning Outlook will be emailed directly to your inbox Sunday morning rather than Monday, in order to give you an earlier head start on the trading week. Although we're changing our delivery time, we'll continue to tell you what we expect in the market in the coming week, and to provide insight and commentary from our top traders and analysts -- a full day ahead of the market's weekly open. Look for Monday Morning Outlook on Sunday, May 31.

Wall Street was hit with a wakeup call last week, as data revealed that U.S. consumers may not be willing or able to spend their way out of this recession. This realization, combined with profit taking and a fresh round of capital concerns for the banking sector, sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) sharply lower last week. In preparation for the coming week, Todd Salamone, Senior Vice President of Research, examines how post-expiration week headwinds might interact with rising "green shoots" expectations on Wall Street. Then, Senior Quantitative Analyst Rocky White examines the repercussions of a five-week expiration cycle and its effect on S&P 500 Index (SPX) returns. We wrap up with a look at some key economic and earnings reports slated for release this week.
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