Saturday, December 25, 2010

Financial markets may return to more normal functioning in early 2011: Raymond Merriman's preview comments

Happy Holidays to all! It's a great time to review how this market surprised most with its bullishness, and how much may be ahead for more push up into next year, even if there is a pullback perhaps into March 2011 ... And even review if this Bradley turn date time window gives us a swing turn (and whether it'll be for a new year/month, new money rise). Raymond Merriman's financial astrology is a very interesting way for us to start this review, especially this holiday weekend. His weekly previews indicate his financial forecasting analysis, including market cycles, economy, and even the political climate. He also uses cycles analysis with his financial astrology for equities, bonds, currencies and commodities - for commentaries that are always fascinating. His paid subscription services are more precise in terms of predictions; but, that's fair of course! These weekly free preview comments are more intended to be general commentaries although they can often provide illumination or perspective on what's happening. Here's Ray Merriman's set of public preview comments for the upcoming week, from his site at Merriman Market Analyst MMACycles Weekly Preview Comments:

MMA Comments for the Week Beginning December 27, 2010

Written by Raymond Merriman

Note: Due to the holiday seasons, the columns of this week and next week will be very brief. Well, this week isn’t so brief after all.

Review and Preview

 Equity markets throughout the world were relatively quiet again last week. There were no major reversals, despite the powerful lunar eclipse on the Winter Solstice last week on December 21. Once again, Mercury retrograde and the High Holiday season took precedence over the geocosmic picture. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, NASDAQ Composite, and German DAX all moved in an orderly fashion to new 2-year highs. Most of the other world equity markets were also up modestly last week, but nothing spectacular.  Crude Oil and Soybeans were more impressive, as both rallied to new yearly highs with some excitement behind them. Gold and Silver were quiet, still well below their 30-year highs of December 7, which was our last three-star critical reversal zone. In the case of Gold, that was the all-time high.

Short-Term Geocosmics

 The markets may return to more normal behavior after the New Year begins. On Tuesday, January 4, the third and final Jupiter-Uranus conjunction takes place. That is a Level One geocosmic signature, denoting the higher-than-usual probability for the completion of primary cycles within about one week. Mercury also turns direct on December 30, just two trading days before the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. One day before that, on December 29, the war-like Mars-Saturn square takes place, and this may also coincide with abnormal temperatures (extreme cold or hot). That will also end the November 26-December 29 translation of Mars to the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto-Saturn arrangement that comprised the peak of the Cardinal Climax last summer. By itself, that translation indicates a period of stress and resistance. Once it passes, perhaps economic matters will flow more easily. For example, maybe both employment and corporate sales will start to show greater signs of improvement. 

Longer-Term Thoughts

 Thanks to everyone who sent such positive messages to last week’s “Christmas Astrology story.” It was a pleasure to share that with everyone.  

 As we come to the end of 2010, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who reads this column. I receive a lot of mail from readers, and about 90% of it is very supportive. The other 10%... well, you are never going to please everyone, especially when the subject matter deals with anything astrological, financial, or political. We still live in the Dark Ages when it comes to collective understanding and acceptance of astrology, even though it is the oldest surviving study known to humankind. There is a reason why it has survived, and there is a reason why Financial Astrology continues to expand in leaps and bounds within the trading community. That simply would not happen if there was an absence of truth or value, for financial markets and the financial community is unforgiving with anything or anyone that does not work consistently and effectively over time.

 Looking back on 2010, it was indeed a very remarkable year, from both the standpoint of geocosmic correlations to human activity, and their correspondence to financial market turning points. For me personally, it was another very rewarding year for trading based on the methods discussed in this column. Yet, like everyone else I know, I too struggled with the equity and precious metals markets during the peak of the Cardinal Climax, from late June through late September. Even Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke announced at that the time that financial markets and the economic climate were “unusually uncertain.” My forecast of an “Asset Inflation Express” made in the Forecast 2010 Book, to take place late May 2010 through mid-2011, was in doubt as the Dow Jones Industrial Average abruptly ended a rally into the summer solstice of June 21, and quickly fell to new yearly lows by July 2. The call in the Forecast 2010 book was for stock prices to rally sharply, possibly even to new all-time highs, from late-May 2010 through June 2011. I won’t reiterate the slew of personal attacks received at that time for that forecast. Am I a moron? Am I an idiot? Am I a con man? Some readers thought so.

But now, it is evident that this forecast is coming true, as several stock markets the world over soar to new 2-year highs, including the DJIA. It took until late August to take off, a little later than called for, probably due to the presence of Saturn afflicting all of the Cardinal Climax planets until its final passage of a waning square to Pluto on August 21. Even CNBC carried a story this past week titled “Are There Too Many Bulls in the Stock Market?” No one believed it would happen in late 2009 when the forecast was made, and very few believed it would happen even as late as mid-2010. Yet today, it seems everyone – and the market - has finally caught up to us. Astrology is ruled by Uranus, and Uranus is always ahead of its time.

Even as we struggled in late May through the summer with equities and precious metals, other markets were behaving exactly as called for, and yielded excellent profits to balance the difference. The call of the bottom for the Euro currency just below 1.2000 in early June (as the first Jupiter-Uranus conjunction took place) and the call for a drought and the consequent yearly high in Wheat above 800 during the first week of August (as Mars entered the Cardinal Climax pattern), were exceptional by any standards – especially since they were made back in November 2009. And prior to late June, and after mid-September, the MMA weekly reports caught almost every large move in Gold and the stock markets. As the year comes to an end, our position trades have been long nearly the entire month in stock indices and soybeans, and both have made new 2-year highs since the positions were initiated. Position traders also exited long Gold positions within one day of Gold’s all-time high on December 7, making the last quarter of 2010 one of our best quarters ever.

 2010 now comes to an end. It was not an easy year for many people. We are in the midst of this powerful and very rare Cardinal Climax, which started in 2008 and will last through 2020, with most of the influence taking place 2008-2015. It requires each of us to think “outside the box,” for life as we have known it is undergoing another cathartic transformation. As the cosmos moves, so too does life on earth. As above, so below – but you have to know how to read God’s handwriting in the heavens (“as above…”), which is no easy task, even for Financial and Mundane Astrologers. You also have to be sensible, combining the dynamic of astrological signatures with human choices (or free will), for the outcome of any matter is dependent upon the interplay between the two. That is why the work we do is forecasting, and not prediction, because you never know exactly which course of action an individual or group will choose under any given astrological aspect. One who believes in “astrology as prediction” believes the astrologer can make this determination, as if the astrologer is the “choice-maker.” One who believes in “astrology as forecasting” understands you cannot. You can only reveal the choices, and the potential consequences of those choices, to be made. But the astrologer cannot ethically make that choice. He/she is only the “choice revealer,” not the “choice maker.”

 These are my closing thoughts for 2010, which I believe will ultimately be judged as one of the most important years of a lifetime for humanity. The geocosmic patterns of 2010 were certainly one of the four most impressive of a lifetime. And now we await and see what the consequences of those choices we made as a collective will be for 2011, and even for this new decade. Up ahead awaits the quarter phase of the 126-year Uranus-Pluto cycle, taking place 2012-2015. The collective transformation is still in its beginning stages.

 May 2011 bring each one of you good health, great happiness and prosperity. 

It’s out!!! The Forecast 2011 Book is now out. The Chinese, Swiss, Dutch, Japanese, Spanish, and Russian versions are also out or due out any day now. We are pleased to announce that that this year’s book is be available in each of these languages, through the following MMA publishers, which also publish our free weekly columns in their respective languages. Please contact them to order your copy in these languages:
Chinese: at
Dutch: at
German: at
Japanese: at
Russian: at
Spanish: at

And now it is out on IPad and IPhone too! The English version is available to any resident of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, United Kingdom, or the United States. Just go to “Library” of ITunes, then “Store,” then in the field titled “Search,” type in “Forecast 2011” or “Raymond Merriman” (without quotation marks). The Spanish translation is also now available via the I Pad and I Phone 4. Very soon now we expect to have both the English and Spanish versions available in Kindle’s electronic book.

January 9, 2011: The “Forecasts for 2011 Webcast” with Raymond Merriman is on! It will take place on Sunday, January 9, 2011, starting at 1:00 PM EST (that’s 6:00 PM, GMT, or 10:00 AM in Los Angeles). Via the modern technology of, you can log onto this presentation on current markets (both long-term and short-term outlooks) and the political-psychological climate for 2011, in the comfort of your own home or office. All you need is a computer with speakers. You can hear the speech and see the live slide show, complete with the charts as they are being discussed, on your computer screen. You will be able to ask questions directly to Merriman. The cost for this special event is $45.00. Instructions to log into this event will be sent upon making reservations. Reserve early (before January 6), for space will be limited. If you are interested in attending this unique live webcast, just register at (,  or,-live-webcast-on-january-9,-2011/, or drop us an email ( or fax (248-538-5296), or call us at 1-248-626-3034. If you can’t make it at the time of the live event, it will be available for viewing for the following 30 days to those who do reserve. You may also order the presentation in CD or DVD.

If you are an active short-term trader, you may be interested in our Weekly or even Daily Market reports with short-term trading recommendations. It is the only way I keep in touch with traders on a daily or even weekly basis, as I no longer offer personal consultations. These reports give in-depth analysis of the DJIA, S&P and NASDAQ futures, Euro currency (cash and futures), Swiss Franc, Dollar/Yen cash and Yen futures, Euro-Yen cash, T-Notes, Soybeans, Crude Oil, Gold and Silver. The daily reports cover all stock indices listed above, as well as futures in Euro, T-Notes, Soybeans, Gold and Silver. Subscription to the daily report also includes the weekly report. For more information, go to, or call our offices at 1-248-626-3034. In the words of one of our subscribers: “I recently subscribed to your weekly report and am finding it to be excellent and a very useful companion to the MMA Cycles Report.  I can't imagine now managing my investments without them.”

As it is the beginning of a New Year, I am oftentimes asked for recommendations of a money manager who uses my methods, since I won’t manage other people’s money. The thing is, almost all money managers I know use their own systems. But many subscribe to my services and share my thoughts about the future of the economy, various financial markets, and how to position one’s portfolio along these lines. One money manager who subscribes to MMA services that I would suggest for those looking to structure a longer-term portfolio, such as a retirement account, is Duke O’Neill of Capstone Capital Wealth Management, Boulder, Colorado. He can be reached at, or 1-(303) 247-0600. For those looking for a professional trader of commodity and futures contract might consider Ted Lee Fisher at Ted is a legend in financial futures and has a seat on the CME. I would also like to recommend long-term MMA subscriber Erwin Brunner of Zurich, Switzerland. Mr. Brunner is the founder of BrunnerInvest AG. One of his five funds was awarded the “Best in-house fund of funds” in the world recently. Mr. Brunner is a former director of the Swiss Banking Corporation (today it is known as UBS), and a general director of Rothschild Bank in Zurich. As an independent wealth manager for high net worth individuals and institutional clients only, he places his clients into the funds of the best performing fund managers in the world, via his own research and experience. For high net worth readers interested in Mr. Brunner’s funds, you may contact him through

Upcoming Events:

January 14-15, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. “Forecasts 2011” symposia featuring top mundane and financial astrologers, plus a one-day workshop on Financial Market Timing with Ray Merriman. The Friday evening symposium begins at 7:00 PM, and features Claude Weiss, Alexandra Klinghammer, Dr. Christoph Schubert-Weller, Verena Bachmann, Monica Kissling, and Raymond Merriman. The cost is 95 CHF. Merriman’s talk will be in English (with German translation), the others in German. The Saturday workshop on “Financial Market Timing and Financial Astrology” will take place from 10:00 AM-5:00 PM at the Hotel Senator. The cost is 330 CHF afterwards (includes lunch). The workshop will be in English. For more details, go to, or Or you may email to, the conference registrar. For English description and schedule, go to

February 6, 2011: Lansing, MI. “Forecasts for 2011” with Raymond Merriman, sponsored by the LCAS. 1-4:00 PM, Hampton Inn in Okemos (near I-96, exit 110). Contact 517-664-2665 for information. Or    

April 14 and 16, 2011: Kansas City, Mo. “Forecasts for 2011” and “Financial Astrology Workshop” with Raymond Merriman. Sponsored by AOA. For more information, please go to, or contact This will probably be the next Financial Astrology workshop in the United States. Please note these are new dates.

May 6-8, and May 14, 2011: Ljubljana, Slovenia and Belgrade, Serbia. Contact for details on Slovenia conference and for Belgrade conference. The subject matter at both conferences will be Financial Astrology.

May-June 2011: I may be hosting a series of talks and meetings with MMA subscribers in Europe over an 8-week period, including Amsterdam, Hamburg, and Berlin, as I complete the final chapters of “The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing, Volume 5: Forecasting Prices.” Details will be announced soon.

September 1-8, 2011: Bali! "Financial Astrology" Intensive workshop with Raymond Merriman, and "Mundane Astrology" with Claude Weiss. For more information on this unique week-long intensive and incredible South Pacific paradise adventure, please go to I am going to have to start talking about this soon because it will be a big event for me. I haven’t had a multi-day conference on my work for several years now. This will be a joy and a challenge to put together what I have learned since 2006, both as a market timing analyst and a trader. I hope several of you can join us. I believe it will be well worth it, if you wish to learn these methods of analysis, and talk to others who also seriously study these subjects. Sign up early to get an advanced registration discount. I have never been to Bali, but I hear it is lovely. I may stay there a few additional weeks and write.

Disclaimer and statement of purpose:
The purpose of this column is not to predict the future movement of various financial markets. However, that is the purpose of the MMA (Merriman Market Analyst) subscription services. This column is not a subscription service. It is a free service, except in those cases where a fee may be assessed to cover the cost of translating this column from English into a non-English language.

This weekly report is written with the intent to educate the reader on the relationship between astrological factors and collective human activities as they are happening. In this regard, this report will oftentimes report what happened in various stock and financial markets throughout the world in the past week, and discuss that movement in light of the geocosmic signatures that were in effect. It will then identify the geocosmic factors that will be in effect in the next week, or even month, or even years, and the author’s understanding of how these signatures will likely affect human activity in the times to come. The author (Merriman) will do this from a perspective of a cycle’s analyst looking at the military, political, economic, and even financial markets of the world.

It is possible that some forecasts will be made based on these factors. However, the primary goal is to both educate and alert the reader as to the psychological climate we are in, from an astrological perspective. The hope is that it will help the reader understand these psychological dynamics that underlie (or coincide with) the news events and hence financial markets of the day.

No guarantee as to the accuracy of this report is being made here. Any decisions in financial markets are solely the responsibility of the reader, and neither the author nor the publishers assume any responsibility at all for those individual decisions. Reader should understand that futures and options trading are considered high risk.

Copyright MMACycles 2007-2010; you may link to this site or page, but you may not distribute these texts in any way (by email or otherwise).

Previous weeklies (2006) are archived at

For other language editions of MMA´s weekly comments:
Chinese :
Dutch : (Nederlands)
German : (Deutch)
Japanese :
Polish : (Polska)
Russian :
Serbian :
Spanish : (Español)

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