Saturday, February 19, 2011

Significance increases for astrological influences on markets soon: Raymond Merriman's weekly preview comments

These markets have sent many analysts scrambling back to the drawing board - including me! But we have great guidance from some of the best. The issues have an ever-increasing significance going into the U.S. President's Day holiday, given the yawning debt problems. So take a break from trading on Monday, and ponder the probabilities. As usual this weekend, we'll start with Raymond Merriman and his financial astrology. Ray's financial forecasting analysis also including market cycles, economy, and even the political climate. He also uses cycles analysis with his financial astrology for equities, bonds, currencies and commodities - for commentaries that are always fascinating. His paid subscription services are more precise in terms of predictions; but, that's fair of course! These weekly free preview comments are more intended to be general commentaries although they can often provide illumination or perspective on what's happening. Here's Ray Merriman's set of public preview comments for the upcoming week, from his site at Merriman Market Analyst MMACycles Weekly Preview Comments:

MMA Comments for the Week Beginning February 21, 2011

Written by Raymond Merriman


The Jupiter-Uranus and Aries "Asset Inflation Express" continues to roll along. Last week witnessed more world equity indices making new multi-year highs, as well as a new 31-year high in Silver prices. Gold prices, on the other hand, failed to take out its all-time highs of December 2010, but still closed up over $30.00/ounce on the week. Each of these markets closed near their weekly highs on Friday, February 18, which is important because Monday is a "Presidents Day" holiday. Financial markets are closed in observance of this holiday in the United States. It is not unusual to see a stock market rally into a pre-holiday week, especially when it has already been in a bull market for several weeks.

The continuation to higher prices in both world stock indices and Silver during the recent cluster of geocosmic signatures of February 2-9 points out an important characteristic of Financial Astrology as a market timing tool. As reported in the series on "The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing," there is an 82% probability of markets reversing within three trading days of a geocosmic critical reversal date (the midpoint of a geocosmic cluster). But in 18% of historical cases, markets don't reverse. Instead they "break out," usually above well-defined resistance (i.e. new multi-month or yearly highs), or below well-defined support (i.e. multi-month or yearly lows). During the recent geocosmic critical reversal zone of February 4-7 (+/- 3 trading days), we saw profitable trading reversals in several financial markets, such as Treasuries (a low), currencies (high), and both Soybeans and Wheat (highs). But we did not see significant reversals in stocks and precious metals. Instead, stock indices and Silver broke out to new yearly highs. That is, instead of reversing, they accelerated their movements in the direction of the uptrend (i.e. upside breakouts). This is fine for position traders, who have been long since the Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped below 11,000 briefly per our weekly and daily subscription reports. But for aggressive short-term traders, it is playing havoc as some daily technical studies have been in an overbought position since early December, which is most unusual. But then again, we are talking above Jupiter and Uranus and Aries, so nothing is likely to be "usual" now.

But that doesn't mean there will not be corrective declines along the way. In fact, we are now entering another time band of several geocosmic signatures within a short span of time. Will this geocosmic cluster produce a reversal in equities and Silver, even if just a corrective type? Or will the upside breakout continue to see prices accelerate further to the upside, as the Jupiter-Uranus-Aries "Asset Inflation Express" continues to roar ahead into May-June 2011, the time frame that correlates with historical highs related to the position of Jupiter in the tropical zodiac? These are the present day concerns of Financial Astrologers.

Short-Term Geocosmics

The current cluster of geocosmic signatures began on Thursday, February 17 when the Sun formed a conjunction (0 degrees) to Neptune. This was significant because by the next morning, there was a full moon (Sun at a 180 degree opposition to the Moon). This geocosmic time band (cluster) continues into February 25. In it we find four important geocosmic signatures in the space of these 8 days. In addition to the Sun-Neptune conjunction, there was also a waxing square (90 degree separation) between Venus and Saturn (February 18), a conjunction between Mars and Neptune (February 20), and the third and final waxing square between Jupiter and Pluto on February 25. The idea is that this will either produce a reversal in many financial markets near the middle of this period (82% rate of frequency, and in effect right now) or a further "break out" that accelerates prices in the direction of the trend, to new multi-month lows or highs (18% rate of frequency).

There are other geocosmic changes arising this forthcoming week that bear discussion. Three planets (including the Sun) will move from Aquarius into Pisces. When a planet changes signs, it is known as an "ingress." An ingress represents a change of collective psychology (or investor sentiment) regarding the activities and dynamics of that planet. On February 18, the Sun ingressed from Aquarius into Pisces, where it will remain until March 20. Mercury does the same starting on February 21, and remains there until March 9. Then Mars follows suit, ingressing into Pisces from February 22 through April 1.

The Sun and Mars are considered highly energetic, or active, planets. They pertain to action. Mercury is the planet of communication, and is said to rule commerce and trading. Now if we consider the signs involved, we get a glimpse of the psychological shift taking place. Aquarius is a sign of charisma, inspiration, innovation, and original thinking. It is a highly regarded astrological characteristic in leadership. But Pisces is a more introverted (possibly fearful of rejection or criticism), or withdrawing dynamic. By itself, it does not appeal or strive towards leadership, but rather to the more aesthetic, spiritual, and imaginative – if not idealistic – side of human nature. It is valuable in the urge to help others, especially those less fortunate than most.

Thus the collective psychological shift we are just beginning to witness involves a period of time where world leaders are apt to "punt," or avoid, difficult decisions. But they will likely use this period to sympathize with the underdog, and even cast themselves as victims or underdogs themselves in the competitive world of Jupiter (and soon Uranus) in the aggressive sign of Aries. Rather than leading and showing strength by example, these leaders are more likely to withdraw from the fray and let others take the lead. From the background, we may then see these leaders offering up sympathy for the masses, and/or criticism of those who in turn do take the lead.

This dynamic may be especially critical in the United Sates over the next couple of weeks. The debt ceiling limit has been moved up from the first projection of early May, to early April, and now to March 4. With Jupiter approaching its waxing square Pluto at the end of this next week (February 25), there is a possibility of hysteria and exaggeration (Jupiter) exploding about the debt predicament (Pluto). Each side is apt to criticize (and even insult) the other for lack of leadership, with the allegation that the other side will be responsible for taking the USA to the brink of default. Could it happen? Well, yes. That is the potential of Jupiter square to Pluto. Whose fault will it be? It depends on which side of the debate you are on. According to these geocosmic principles, neither side will accept blame, and both sides will place blame on the other.

Perhaps this debt and default crisis is just another "wall of worry" for the bull market to climb to evermore multi-year highs. Or perhaps the USA actually does default, in which case the stock market could fall very hard - while Gold and Silver soar to new all-time highs – until an agreement is reached. But in either case, the Jupiter-Uranus-Aries "Asset Inflation Express" is still on track, and pointing to higher equity prices into the middle of this year, and perhaps even into early 2012. Then, going into the 2012 election, we have to become very concerned, for at that time we will start experiencing the dynamics of the Uranus-Pluto waxing square (2012-2015). As discussed last week, that signature represents a time for "breaking through" or "breaking down," and the difference depends upon the reverence we (and our leaders) place upon human life. For a view of the astrological make-up that will likely define the character of this period, Financial and Mundane Astrologers are advised to check out the set up on April 22, 2014, and compare it to the chart of the United States (July 2 or 4, 1776) as well as the Euro currency inception (January 1, 1999). We will discuss this in more detail in the months ahead.


The monthly MMA Cycles Reports will come out this week. This report covers the near term analysis of the stock market (DJIA and S&P futures), Gold, Silver, T-Notes, Euro and Swiss Franc currencies, grains and crude oil. It also provides the list of geocosmic and solar-lunar reversal zones for the next 1-2 months. This report comes out Monday night to subscribers. On Tuesday night, we issue the MMA Japanese Markets Cycles report and the MMA Europe Cycles report. The Japanese report covers the Nikkei stock index, Dollar-Yen currency, and JGB government bonds. The MMA Europe Cycles report covers the German DAX, Swiss SMI, and Netherlands AEX stock indices. For information on subscribing, please go to

If you are an active short-term trader, you may be interested in our Weekly or even Daily Market reports with short-term trading recommendations. It is the only way I keep in touch with traders on a daily or even weekly basis, as I no longer offer personal consultations. These reports give in-depth analysis of the DJIA, S&P and NASDAQ futures, Euro currency (cash and futures), Swiss Franc, Dollar/Yen cash and Yen futures, Euro-Yen cash, T-Notes, Soybeans, Crude Oil, Gold and Silver. The daily reports cover all stock indices listed above, as well as futures in Euro, T-Notes, Soybeans, Gold and Silver. Both reports provide trading strategies and recommendations for position traders as well as for shorter-term aggressive traders. Subscription to the daily report also includes the weekly report. For more information, go to, or call our offices at 1-248-626-3034. These reports are extremely valuable to those who trade ETF's (Exchange Traded Funds). In the words of one of our subscribers: "I recently subscribed to your weekly report and am finding it to be excellent and a very useful companion to the MMA Cycles Report. I can't imagine now managing my investments without them."

The "Forecasts for 2011 Webcast" with Raymond Merriman is now available on DVD or CD. It was a great presentation, filled with many investment ideas with timing insights. The cost of the CD (audio only) is $45.00, + postage. The cost of the DVD (via computers only, with slide show) is $59.99 + postage. The market charts used in the presentation will be emailed to you separately in a PDF format. To purchase your copy of this Forecast 2011 webcast, just register at the MMA Website ( Or drop us an email ( or fax (248-538-5296), or call us at 1-248-626-3034.

The Forecast 2011 Book is now out in both printed edition and electronic book edition. The electronic book version of the book is available via I Pad, the I Phone 4, and Amazon Kindle. The Amazon Kindle edition is available to anyone anywhere in the world. Just go to their bookstore and type in "Raymond Merriman" or "Forecast 2011." It is available in Spanish as well. It is also available via ITunes if you have the Apple I Pad or I Phone 4. Both the English and Spanish versions are available in this format to any resident of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, United Kingdom, or the United States. If you are not a resident of these countries, you can still order it if you have an email address registered via one of these countries. Just go to ITunes, and then "Library," then "Store," then in the field titled "Search," type in "Forecast 2011" or "Raymond Merriman" (without quotation marks).

The printed version of Forecast 2011 is now out in Chinese, Swiss, Dutch, Japanese, Spanish, and Russian versions. The Chinese book contains an analysis of the Hang Seng stock market. The Japanese Book contains an analysis of the Nikkei index. We are pleased to announce that that this year's book may be purchased at these websites, and in these languages: Chinese: at Dutch: at German: at Japanese: at Russian: at Spanish: at

We are considering a one-day Saturday workshop in Munich, Germany in late May or early June, on Financial Astrology and Market Timing, featuring Raymond Merriman and possibly Claude Weiss (renowned Mundane Astrologer) from Zurich. It will be in English. After the workshop, we would like to plan a special dinner party for MMA subscribers, where we will answer questions of all who are present. If anyone reading this is from the Munich area, and would like to assist us in setting up this event, please email MMA at We would also welcome help for a meeting with subscribers in or near Helsinki, Finland in mid-June.

Upcoming Events:

April 14 and 16, 2011: Kansas City, Mo. Update on "Forecasts for 2011" and a "Financial Astrology Workshop" with Raymond Merriman. Sponsored by AOA. For more information, please go to, or, or call 816-774-4514. The workshop will cover projections for the U.S. stock market, precious metals, and other markets of interest to attendees. This will probably be the only Financial Astrology workshop in the United States this year. There will also be a special dinner party arranged for Friday evening, with Merriman, for those who attend the workshop (there will be a $55.00 fee for the dinner, but it will still be a special occasion to meet one another). You can also see the flyer for this weekend by going to, under EVENTS.

Our next private meeting with subscribers will take place after the all-day workshop in Kansas City, on Saturday, April 16. This is a very exciting gathering, for both myself (Merriman) and subscribers, as all kinds of interesting topics and ideas usually come up. Various market topics will be discussed and you may ask questions in this lively exchange. But you need to reserve a spot in this meeting with us ahead of time. There is no cost to subscribers, or $95.00 if not a subscriber to any daily or weekly report, or a one-year subscription to any MMA Cycles Report. To make your reservation for this special meeting, call us at 1-248-626-3034 or email Amber

May 6-8, and May 14, 2011: Ljubljana, Slovenia and Belgrade, Serbia. Contact for details on Slovenia conference and for Belgrade conference. The subject matter at both conferences will be Financial Astrology.

May-June 2011: I will be hosting at least one dinner meeting with MMA subscribers in Europe during this period, as I complete the final chapters of "The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing, Volume 5: Forecasting Prices." This meeting will take place in either Munich, Hamburg, or Berlin, and may follow a one-day Financial Astrology and Market Timing Workshop on current market forecasts in stocks, precious metals, and currencies. Reservations will be required for the dinner as you will be my guests (no charge to you, but there will be a charge for non-subscribers). At this dinner meeting, I will share one chart that I think deserves special consideration as a position trade for this season. Stay tuned for details in these announcements.

September 1-8, 2011: Bali! "Financial Astrology" Intensive workshop with Raymond Merriman, and "Mundane Astrology" with Claude Weiss. For more information on this unique week-long intensive and incredible South Pacific paradise adventure, please go to I am going to have to start talking about this soon because it will be a big event for me. I haven't had a multi-day conference on my work for several years now. This will be a joy and a challenge to put together what I have learned since 2006, both as a market timing analyst and a trader. I hope several of you can join us. I believe it will be well worth it, if you wish to learn these methods of analysis, and talk to others who also seriously study these subjects. Sign up early to get an advanced registration discount. I have never been to Bali, but I hear it is lovely. I may stay there a few additional weeks and write.

Disclaimer and statement of purpose:

The purpose of this column is not to predict the future movement of various financial markets. However, that is the purpose of the MMA (Merriman Market Analyst) subscription services. This column is not a subscription service. It is a free service, except in those cases where a fee may be assessed to cover the cost of translating this column from English into a non-English language.

This weekly report is written with the intent to educate the reader on the relationship between astrological factors and collective human activities as they are happening. In this regard, this report will oftentimes report what happened in various stock and financial markets throughout the world in the past week, and discuss that movement in light of the geocosmic signatures that were in effect. It will then identify the geocosmic factors that will be in effect in the next week, or even month, or even years, and the author's understanding of how these signatures will likely affect human activity in the times to come. The author (Merriman) will do this from a perspective of a cycle's analyst looking at the military, political, economic, and even financial markets of the world.

It is possible that some forecasts will be made based on these factors. However, the primary goal is to both educate and alert the reader as to the psychological climate we are in, from an astrological perspective. The hope is that it will help the reader understand these psychological dynamics that underlie (or coincide with) the news events and hence financial markets of the day.

No guarantee as to the accuracy of this report is being made here. Any decisions in financial markets are solely the responsibility of the reader, and neither the author nor the publishers assume any responsibility at all for those individual decisions. Reader should understand that futures and options trading are considered high risk.

Copyright MMACycles 2007; you may link to this site or page, but you may not distribute these texts in any way (by email or otherwise).


Previous weeklies (2006) are archived at

For other language editions of MMA´s weekly comments:

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