Friday, March 25, 2011

"Asset Inflation Express" geocosmic shifts into April to bring more noteworthy events worldwide: Raymond Merriman's preview comments

The stock market could have tested lower during the past week. But despite some saggy moments especially early in the week, it was very resilient. That's one characteristic of a "wave three" up (in Elliott Wave terms) - and also, of the "Asset Inflation Express" that Raymond Merriman has been describing for a long time now. So, don't get in a stitch about the why's or why not's ... just trade and invest with the trend (and certainly not against it, unless for nimble "scalps"!). Ray's financial astrology forecasting analysis also references market cycles, economy, and even the political climate, to analyze stock markets around the world, bonds, currencies and commodities - for insight that's always fascinating. His paid subscription services are more precise in terms of predictions; but, that's fair of course! These weekly free preview comments are more intended to be general commentaries although they can often provide illumination or perspective on what's happening. Here's Ray Merriman's set of public preview comments for the upcoming week, from his site at Merriman Market Analyst - MMA Cycles Weekly Preview Comments:

MMA Comments for the Week Beginning March 28, 2011

Written by Raymond Merriman

The Market Week in Review

Stock markets around the world continued their strong rebound following the prior week's severe losses related to the natural catastrophes in Japan. With exception of the MICEX stock index in Russia, none have yet recovered enough to make new 2-year highs. However some – like the Dow Jones Industrial Average – are coming close. Given that Jupiter and Uranus are now both well into Aries, the "Asset Inflation Express" is resuming its race to new multi-year highs. We saw this train roar to new all-time highs in Gold last Thursday, March 24, as it tested 1450. On that same day, Silver also surpassed the 3800 mark, its highest level since January 1980. That was fitting because March 24-25 were "Sagittarius Factor" days, when the Moon transits the sign of Sagittarius, a lunar position that often coincides with crests from which precious metals (and other commodities) then pull back.

The events and the corresponding large price swings in financial markets demonstrate a basic characteristic of Uranus. That is, while Jupiter and Uranus in Aries is highly speculative and represents the mad quest for higher profits (and prices), the path is not without sudden events that temporarily derail the trend. The reversals can be so severe that many will immediately proclaim the trend has changed, for the steepness of the declines break through several layers of support. But just as suddenly, markets reverses again and exceed new levels of resistance, thus reinstating the basic premise that it is indeed an "Asset Inflation Express." If history is any guideline, this may not end until Jupiter has passed beyond the early degrees of Taurus, or at least until Uranus gets past the third degree of Aries (early June), which is the highly charged sector of the zodiac in which the heart of the Cardinal Climax configuration took place last summer. I don't know… maybe some other study has described this "Asset Inflation" in stock and commodity prices over the past two years more accurately than Financial Astrology, as discussed in these columns and our annual Forecasts books and subscription reports. But if they have, I am unaware of it.

Short-Term Geocosmics

We are entering another time band of powerful geocosmic signatures that is in effect through April 8. On Monday, March 28, the 20-year opposition of Jupiter and Saturn takes place. On the same day, the Sun will make a waxing square to Pluto. The first signature relates to the divisions in governments around the world, and the second probably relates to more news about debt and loss of income and lives, perhaps from the war in Libya as well as the natural calamities in Japan. I suspect it will not be a good week for insurance companies, which are also ruled by Pluto. Two days later, March 30, Mercury begins its three-week retrograde journey, a time that usually coincides with mixed and confusing messages from political leaders and economic data. Hopefully Congress and the White House will use this time for reflection and dialogue, and not try to push through important policies that are not fully understood or discussed, as they have on almost every other Mercury retrograde period since September 2008.

This geocosmic time band then peaks with the conjunction of Mars and Uranus on April 3, the same day that a powerful Sun-Saturn opposition occurs too. This could represent another time in which nature erupts, for Uranus rules disruptions and Saturn rules the ground. Another similar combination arises April 11 and 18 when Mars squares Pluto and then moves into opposition with Saturn. That later set up could correspond to unseasonably hot or cold temperatures or tempers, with threats of military combat. The good news is that we come out of it about the time the Sun moves from the fiery sign of Aries to the more settled and relaxed sign of Taurus on April 20.

Longer-Term Thoughts

In the past year or so, I have allowed one subscriber of the MMA Cycles Report to ask questions related to the report, which I then share with all subscribers as part of their subscription service. Her questions are getting better and better each issue. In today's column, I would like to reproduce two of her questions and my answers, as I think it has interest for all readers.

Claudia asks: "You've said that Jupiter will be moving through Taurus from June 2011 through June 2012, when a decline is indicated. Taurus has a knack for "maintaining things of value." Since March 2009 stocks have been moving up and down, often in unison, on the wave of the overall market. If you followed the cycles and got in when prices were low, you made money. With some very notable exceptions, stocks seemed to rise and fall in unison. Is that likely to change when Jupiter moves through Taurus?"

My reply: First off, let's consider when the market may make a high. It tends to be when Jupiter is in very late Aries or early Taurus, based on studies going back to the 1870's, as reported in the Forecast 2010 and 2011 books. The last time Jupiter was in this sector was at a previous all-time high on January 14, 2000 in the DJIA and March 24, 2000 in the S&P. On January 14, 2000, Jupiter was at 26 degrees of Aries, and on March 24, 2000, it was posited at 7 degrees of Taurus. But that was not the first time it entered Taurus in that case.

Back then, Jupiter left Aries for Taurus the first time on June 29, 1999. It stayed there until it retrograded back into Aries on October 23, 1999 through February 15, 2000. In that first passage, a new all-time high had formed around July 16-19, 1999, just after Jupiter entered Taurus (it was around 28 Aries). It went a little higher into August 25 in the DJIA (Jupiter was then at 4-5 Taurus, as it turned retrograde), but not higher in S&P. Then both fell sharply into October 18, 1999 (it was down 13.25% in S&P as Jupiter was retrograde at 0 Taurus, about to return into late Aries). Then the next rally to new highs into early 2000 commenced, as Jupiter moved into late Aries and early Taurus again.

So this is why we have to allow an orb of time for the high (up to 7 degrees), and also why we cannot be sure if the 4-year cycle crest will be on this first passage into early Taurus, or when it retrogrades back to 0 Taurus in December 2011-January 2012 (and even give a month or so). But back in early 2000, we did indeed see quite a sizeable decline take place, lasting over two years. The stock market bottomed in October 2002 in USA, and March 2003 elsewhere, coincident with the start and illusory end of the Iraqi War (think Libya now). This decline is typical of Jupiter after it starts getting into the middle degrees of Taurus. The decline lasts for years, not months or weeks.

Claudia asks: "A revolution in Egypt took us by surprise in late January. Weeks later an earthquake and tsunami took thousands of lives and set off one of the worst nuclear disasters in history. The heart-wrenching story in Japan is still unfolding even though the headlines today are focused on Libya. These are exactly the sort of events we anticipated last summer—war, revolutions, danger in regards to the ocean and large bodies of water, and nuclear "events".

The planetary line-up last July-August was so powerful that the time band for its effects to be felt was exceptionally long. Are we still within that band, or is the recent chaos related more to the Jupiter/Saturn opposition on March 28? Is it likely that the worst is over or is the exact date of the opposition on March 28 likely to be a new trigger?"

My reply: These events are not so much related to the opposition of Jupiter and Saturn. That aspect pertains more to government divisions and polarity. Have you noticed the polarity is growing every day, all over the world, pulling us apart from one another? Jupiter in opposition to Saturn pertains more to law and government and court rulings, not natural calamities.

The time band known as the Cardinal Climax is in force from 2008 through early 2020, but especially 2008 through 2015. That has more to do with the tremendous upheavals in nature, governments (uprisings), and economic chaos (i.e. debt, Pluto)

A most powerful astrological (astronomical) pattern took place last summer when Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto all came into closest proximity of their T-square from about 27 degrees of mutable signs through 3 degrees of cardinal signs. Therefore those sectors of the zodiac are "highly charged" with the dynamics of planets involved in that pattern, called the Cardinal Climax. When Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto crosses over those degrees in the next few years, it will set off those types of dynamics, and events associated with them. Right now Uranus is moving through that zodiac sector until June 3. It will retrograde back again August 2011 through March 2012. The Cardinal Climax is not over by a long shot.

And then another "planetary pair cycle" will highly charge another sector of the zodiac when Uranus and Pluto form their 126-year waxing square at 8-15 degrees of Aries and Capricorn (cardinal signs again), 2012-2015. Those degrees will become highly charged in the years that follow, and every time a major planet enters those degrees, events related to the dynamics of those planets will likely unfold.

This concept of "highly charged points of the zodiac" relates to an idea I originated in the book Evolutionary Astrology: The Journey of the Soul Through the Horoscope," published in 1977. It was the birth of the school of thought known as Evolutionary Astrology. The concept was called "Planetary Pair Cycles," and is used today by many astrologers (as are many of the other techniques and concepts introduced in that book, and its follow-up in 1991, called "Evolutionary Astrology: The Journey of the Soul Through States of Consciousness"). The latter book is still in print and available at The first book sold out quickly in the late 1970's, and became the basis for several study groups in the east (Cambridge, MA) and west coasts (San Diego and Los Angeles) of the USA in the early 1980's. From there it grew following the writings and new applications of other astrologers. But in that book was described the importance for the evolution of the collective as denoted by the ingress of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto or the Moon's North Node over the cardinal ingress points. We are going through a period right now, in early 2011, as the Moon's North Node ingresses over 0 degrees of Capricorn and Uranus over 0 degrees of Aries. In fact, the Moon's North Node is now conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius, a phenomenon with important implications we will discuss next week.


If you are an active short-term trader, you may be interested in our Weekly or even Daily Market reports with short-term trading recommendations. It is the only way I keep in touch with traders on a daily or even weekly basis, as I no longer offer personal consultations. These reports give in-depth analysis of the DJIA, S&P and NASDAQ futures, Euro currency (cash and futures), Swiss Franc, Dollar/Yen cash and Yen futures, Euro-Yen cash, T-Notes, Soybeans, Crude Oil, Gold and Silver. The daily reports cover all stock indices listed above, as well as futures in Euro, T-Notes, Soybeans, Gold and Silver. Both reports provide trading strategies and recommendations for position traders as well as for shorter-term aggressive traders. Subscription to the daily report also includes the weekly report. For more information, go to, or call our offices at 1-248-626-3034. These reports are extremely valuable to those who trade ETF's (Exchange Traded Funds). In the words of one of our subscribers: "I recently subscribed to your weekly report and am finding it to be excellent and a very useful companion to the MMA Cycles Report. I can't imagine now managing my investments without them."

The monthly MMA Cycles Report and its companions – the MMA Japan Cycles Report and MMA European Cycles Report – came out last week. Also, the replies to subscriber Claudia's questions on this report came out Friday, March 25. If you subscribe to this report and did not get it, let us know at once. This report covers our longer-term analysis of the U.S. stock market, precious metals, crude oil, currencies, Treasury Notes, and grain markets. The MMA Japan Cycles report covers the Nikkei, JGB Bonds, and the Dollar-Yen. The MMA European Cycles Report covers the German DAX, Swiss SMI, and Netherlands AEX, each in English only. For further information, go to

The Forecast 2011 Book is still available in both printed edition and electronic book format. The electronic book version of the book is available via I Pad, the I Phone 4, and Amazon Kindle. The Amazon Kindle edition is available to anyone anywhere in the world. Just go to their bookstore and type in "Raymond Merriman" or "Forecast 2011." It is available in Spanish as well. It is also available via ITunes if you have the Apple I Pad or I Phone 4. Both the English and Spanish versions are available in this format to any resident of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, United Kingdom, or the United States. If you are not a resident of these countries, you can still order it if you have an email address registered via one of these countries. Just go to ITunes, and then "Library," then "Store," then in the field titled "Search," type in "Forecast 2011" or "Raymond Merriman" (without quotation marks).

The printed version of Forecast 2011 is also still available in Chinese, Swiss, Dutch, Japanese, Spanish, and Russian versions. The Chinese book contains an analysis of the Hang Seng stock market. The Japanese Book contains an analysis of the Nikkei index. We are pleased to announce that that this year's book may be purchased at these websites, and in these languages: Chinese: at Dutch: at German: at Japanese: at Russian: at Spanish: at

The final Volume 5 of "The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing" series is nearly finished. This will complete a project started in 1996. The previous 4 volumes have been on "when" to buy and sell, or how to forecast a future cycle low or high. This last volume addresses the subject of "where" to buy and sell, or "forecasting price targets." It is the missing link. It details the mathematical formulas and technical studies used to enhance timing of entry and exit in any market, but especially stock indices. The book is expected to be out sometime between August-November 2011. If you have any of the first four volumes, you will soon be receiving a special pre-publication offer for advanced orders (or call us to place your order if you want to make sure you are on the list). We should point out that Volumes 2 and 3 will probably be sold out before this new volume comes out. There are less than 25 copies of each available. We will allow them to remain out of print for awhile before reprinting.

Upcoming Events:

April 14 and 16, 2011: Kansas City, Mo. Update on "Forecasts for 2011" and a "Financial Astrology Workshop" with Raymond Merriman. Sponsored by AOA. For more information, please go to, or, or call 816-774-4514. The workshop will cover projections for the U.S. stock market, precious metals, and other markets of interest to attendees. This will probably be the only Financial Astrology workshop in the United States this year. There will also be a special dinner party arranged for Friday evening, with Merriman, for those who attend the workshop (there will be a $55.00 fee for the dinner, but it will still be a special occasion to meet one another). You can also see the flyer for this weekend by going to, under EVENTS.

Our next private meeting with subscribers will take place after the all-day workshop in Kansas City, on Saturday, April 16. This is a very exciting gathering, for both myself (Merriman) and subscribers, as all kinds of interesting topics and ideas usually come up. Various market topics will be discussed and you may ask questions in this lively exchange. But you need to reserve a spot in this meeting with us ahead of time. There is no cost to subscribers, or $95.00 if not a subscriber to any daily or weekly report, or a one-year subscription to any MMA Cycles Report. To make your reservation for this special meeting, call us at 1-248-626-3034 or email Amber

May 6-8, and May 14, 2011: Ljubljana, Slovenia and Belgrade, Serbia. Contact for details on Slovenia conference and for Belgrade conference. The subject matter at both conferences will be Financial Astrology.

Disclaimer and statement of purpose:

The purpose of this column is not to predict the future movement of various financial markets. However, that is the purpose of the MMA (Merriman Market Analyst) subscription services. This column is not a subscription service. It is a free service, except in those cases where a fee may be assessed to cover the cost of translating this column from English into a non-English language.

This weekly report is written with the intent to educate the reader on the relationship between astrological factors and collective human activities as they are happening. In this regard, this report will oftentimes report what happened in various stock and financial markets throughout the world in the past week, and discuss that movement in light of the geocosmic signatures that were in effect. It will then identify the geocosmic factors that will be in effect in the next week, or even month, or even years, and the author's understanding of how these signatures will likely affect human activity in the times to come. The author (Merriman) will do this from a perspective of a cycle's analyst looking at the military, political, economic, and even financial markets of the world.

It is possible that some forecasts will be made based on these factors. However, the primary goal is to both educate and alert the reader as to the psychological climate we are in, from an astrological perspective. The hope is that it will help the reader understand these psychological dynamics that underlie (or coincide with) the news events and hence financial markets of the day.

No guarantee as to the accuracy of this report is being made here. Any decisions in financial markets are solely the responsibility of the reader, and neither the author nor the publishers assume any responsibility at all for those individual decisions. Reader should understand that futures and options trading are considered high risk.

Copyright MMACycles 2007; you may link to this site or page, but you may not distribute these texts in any way (by email or otherwise).


Previous weeklies (2006) are archived at

For other language editions of MMA´s weekly comments:

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