Saturday, April 30, 2011

Worldwide bull markets unfolding as anticipated so here are projections: Tony Caldaro's Objective Elliott Wave 4/30/11 update

Our readers were prepared for these bull markets in stock indices and many commodities (even though some areas like financials are lagging). Tony Caldaro's projections using his Objective Elliott Wave pivots and Fibonacci formulas have pointed the way well so here's his update to help you see what to look for now. Tony illustrates how things are looking across world markets, plus updates his views about gold, oil, other commodities, currencies and bonds. Check out the details below from Tony Caldaro in his weekend "the ELLIOTT WAVE lives on" update (thanks again Tony!). Keep up with his posts and, via his link, public charts shared from his website (always in the links list at right, and you can find his updates via his tweets as @OEWtony on Twitter, or right here on the OEW feed at lower right side of the page), at

the ELLIOTT WAVE lives on
April 30, 2011
weekend update
by Tony Caldaro


The US market started the week making new uptrend highs and this progressed into new bull markets highs into week's end. Positive economic reports outpaced negative reports about two to one. On the positive side: New/Pending home sales, Consumer confidence, Public sentiment and Durable goods orders rose; Personal income/spending and PCE prices remained positive, and the Monetary base hit a new record high. On the negative side: Q1 GDP, the Case-Shiller index, the Chicago PMI, the M1-multiplier and the WLEI were all lower; plus weekly Jobless claims rose. For the week the SPX/DOW were +2.2%, and the NDX/NAZ were +1.5%. Asian markets declined 1.5%, European market rose 2.1%, the Commodity equity group was -0.8%, and the DJ World index was +1.8%. US Bonds gained 0.8%, Crude was +1.5%, Gold rose +3.8%, and the USD was -1.3%. Next week will be highlighted by ISM, Auto sales and the Payrolls report.

LONG TERM: bull market

The worldwide bull market continues to unfold as anticipated. A Cycle wave [1] bull market off the March 2009 Supercycle wave 2 low is underway. The Cycle wave is unfolding in five Primary waves, and these waves are dividing into Major waves as the bull market unfolds. From the March 2009 low at SPX 667, Primary wave I completed in Apr10 at SPX 1220. Its five Major waves unfolded as follows: Major 1 SPX 956 Jun09, Major 2 SPX 869 July09, Major 3 SPX 1150 Jan10, Major 4 SPX 1045 Feb10, and Major 5 SPX 1220 April 2010. Primary wave II then took three months and bottomed in July 2010 at SPX 1011. Since then Primary wave III has been underway.

Thus far, Primary wave III has completed two of its Major waves: Major 1 SPX 1344 Feb11 and Major 2 SPX 1249 Mar11. Major wave 3 has been underway since that low and is already making new bull market highs. We continue to anticipate a bull market high in early 2012 after Primary waves III, IV and V complete.

MEDIUM TERM: uptrend high SPX 1365

The Major wave 3 uptrend that started on March 16th at SPX 1249 has been underway for about a month and a half. This week it hit SPX 1365 a new bull market high. Since it is a Major wave it will divide into five Intermediate waves. The first two of these Intermediate waves have already concluded: Int. 1 SPX 1339 April 8th, and Int. wave 2 SPX 1295 April 18th. Intermediate wave three has been underway since that low. If we apply Fibonacci relationships to target a potential high for Intermediate wave three we arrive at two levels: SPX 1385 and 1441. At SPX 1385 Int. 3 = Int. 1, and at SPX 1441 Int. 3 = 1.618 Int. 1. It just so happens the next two OEW pivots, right after the current 1363/1372 resistance pivots, are 1386 and 1440. Near perfection! Our target for Major wave 3 remains between SPX 1440 and 1462 by June 2011.


Support for the SPX is at 1363 and then 1313, with resistance at 1372 and then 1386. Short term momentum continues to display a double negative divergence. Thus far Intermediate wave three has been fairly relentless. Since it began on April 18th at SPX 1295 the largest pullback, it was only seven points, occurred on April 25th. This market has rallied 70 points in 8 trading days with only a 7 point pullback along the way. Quite strong indeed and typical of a third, (Intermediate three), of a third, (Major wave 3), of a third, (Primary wave III). With short term momentum continuing to display a double negative divergence we would expect a pullback of at least 10 to maybe 20 points in the near future. The OEW 1363 pivot range has been our target for Minor wave 1 and the market is right there. After a Minor wave 2 pullback Minor waves 3, 4 and 5 would still be needed to complete Intermediate wave three. Best to your trading!


Asian markets lost 1.5% on the week. Japan and China have switched roles recently. Japan's NIKK is in a confirmed uptrend, and now China's SSEC is in a confirmed downtrend.

European markets gained 2.1% on the week. Finally all five indices are in confirmed uptrends.

The Commodity equity group lost 0.8% on the week. All three indices remain in uptrends.

DJ World index continues to uptrend and gained 1.8% on the week.


Bonds gained 0.8% on the week. The long term trading range remains in place.

Crude continues to uptrend and gained 1.5% on the week to new uptrend highs.

Gold remains in its uptrend to new all time highs and gained 3.2% on the week. We are going to release a Silver report shortly.

The USD continues to downtrend losing 1.3% on the week.


Quite a number of economic reports this week. On monday, Construction spending and ISM manufacturing at 10:00. Then monthly Auto sales in the afternoon. Tuesday we have Factory orders, then on wednesday we have ADP and ISM services. Thursday, weekly Jobless claims and Productivity. Then on friday the monthly Payrolls report, Unemployment rate and Consumer credit. The FED has two speeches on the agenda. FED chairman Bernanke in Chicago on thursday, and FED vice chair Yellen in Finland on friday. Best to your week!


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