Monday, March 16, 2009

Charts roundup and review comments on gold, bonds, the dollar, yen, and S&P 500 equities markets

In addition to all the other factors we've been discussing here, let's not forget that the end of the quarter is coming up and that can be a time for "the generals" to mark up for window dressing. I think that might be even more important when we get to the end of June, but it could be a factor to consider for March too. Now, it's rather late for me as I'm on travel, 3 time zones west of my home and need to catch up on my sleep. So here's a charts roundup and I'll make a few comments as we go. First the SPX, it's confirming the 760-770 as an important price zone and the standard RSI is testing up to its midline, with the MACD looking similar. OBV never went above its 30-day MA and the StochRSI (standard) looks overbought. I marked on this daily chart three different paths SPX could take depending on the Elliott Wave alternatives that I can see.

The VIX moved up, not surprising:

I've still been thinking that $XJY moves up once it's completed this consolidation. Better hurry to avoid having the 50-dma cross under the 200-dma. That isn't in danger of happening soon but it looks like it will happen in the intermediate time frame if $XJY doesn't get moving real soon:

For several reasons including Elliott Wave, Fibonacci and cycles, I think that the dollar is still just in a consolidation pullback and will move higher again. There was significant chart resistance on the monthly chart which can explain its sluggishness on the daily:

Gold isn't broken yet but it's making me feel nervous that it doesn't want to break higher to get to 1024 or above. It can be interpreted as doing a head and shoulders bearish pattern on the daily. Or when you look closely at the recent price action, a small reverse head and shoulders that would be bullish. Since I'm influenced by the thought that the dollar and bonds are likely to head up soon, I'm now tending to think that gold will is likely to fall off (whether to Tony Caldaro's wave 2 or something more bearish lower down).

Oil ... with USO still struggling to get above $30 ...

Smith & Wesson - now folks, that's what the combination of good OBV plus that special StochRSI (on 39,1) looks like in an uptrend! (If you don't know what I mean by the OBV plus StochRSI, you can read up on that at my trader education site (link at right side of the page)).

The Dow Transports ... looking for confirmation if its trend is changing ... the charts seem to be saying that if it can get above 2600, then it will need to contend with 3000:

Here's TLT, it "should" be working on putting in a low that it can rally from - at least there's positive RSI divergence to go along with that idea - the OBV will have to kick in of course:

The banking index - same thoughts as what I discussed here over the weekend:

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