Saturday, April 18, 2009

As the Dow movements are following planetary cycles, consult a financial astrology expert: Merriman's preview for the week of April 20

MMA Weekly Comments for the Week Beginning April 20, 2009
Written by Raymond Merriman

Review and Preview
This could get eerie. The Dow Jones Industrial Average made a 12-year low on March 6, the day Venus went retrograde. Those lows have held throughout this Venus retrograde period. On Friday, April 17, Venus turned direct. On that same day, the DJIA posted its highest level since March 6. As stated several times since February, “…any market that makes a multi-week high or low around the time Venus turns retrograde could begin a counter-trend move that will last into the time Venus turns direct, +/- 10 trading days. Venus turns direct this week, April 17, so we are clearly in that time band now for a crest of some importance.”

It is eerie because the move so far has been exactly to the date that Venus turned retrograde (low) and then returned to direct (high). Will it be so synchronistic that it will now reverse and resume the bear market? Will Financial Astrology be that exact in this instance? As eerie as that would be from a cosmic point of view, what is more eerie from a technical point of view is that this rally is now exhibiting a very bearish rising “wedge” pattern. That is, a line connecting the lows of the move is at a much steeper angle than the line connecting the highs of this move. Such a pattern has preceded the previous devastating declines in the stock market over the past year. Thanks to Duke O’Neil (MMA subscriber) for making that observation.

It doesn’t end there. All the rallies of the post-crash September crisis have been similar in price and length too. The rally from the 7880 low of October 10 to the 9650 high on Election Day, November 4 (also the first of the five Saturn-Uranus oppositions), was about 1770 points and lasted four weeks. The rally from the 7449 low of November 21 to the high of 9088 on January 6 covered about 1640 points and lasted 7 weeks. This current rally has now lasted 6 weeks and has gained 1720 points. As you can see, all rallies so far since the crash of September 2008 have lasted 4-7 weeks, and the DJIA has gained between 1640-1770 points. Coincidence? [Not] if it reverses here. And according to the correspondence of the Venus retrograde period and the presence of the bearish wedge formation chart pattern, it is possible.

In other markets, Gold and Silver fell sharply again on Thursday and Friday. In the case of Gold, it tested but held its low of April 6. But Silver took out its low of April 6. If they too reverse here as Venus turns direct, it would be a case of intermarket bullish divergence where one market makes a new multi-week low and a related market does not. When that happens on a critical reversal date, it is usually followed by a very strong counter-trend move.

Short-Term Geocosmics
Venus now ends its retrograde motion as it turned direct on April 17. Since Venus rules assets and things of value (like stocks), there is cause to be concerned that the trend the preceded Venus turning retrograde may now return. That would be the bear market. But in many historical cases, a reversal from a high as Venus turns direct doesn’t necessarily result in a decline that takes out the low of the retrograde period. With Jupiter fast approaching its conjunction to Neptune in late May through mid-July, there is a geocosmic basis for thinking that any decline right now may hold above those lows of March 6-10, and then be followed by another rally to higher highs. Jupiter and Neptune are normally very optimistic and hopeful about the future.

There are two ingresses occurring this week of great importance. First, Mars will enter Aries on Wednesday, April 22. Two days later, Venus does the same in its new direct motion. Aries is a cardinal sign. In fact, it is the most cardinal sign because it begins the zodiac cycle. It is also midway between the Sun and Pluto in the Federal Reserve Board chart (December 23, 1913). That is, the Sun is at 1 degree of the cardinal sign of Capricorn, and Pluto is at 0 degrees of the cardinal sign of Cancer. With Venus direct now, and with both Venus and Mars in conjunction to one another, and forming a T-square to the FRB Sun-Pluto opposition, we can anticipate changes in policy from the central banks and the Federal Treasury department. This usually affects all interest-rate sensitive markets, like Treasuries and currencies, and indirectly, equities and previous metals. With Venus also in a month-long square to Pluto (April 3-May 2), we can start to speculate on the next private company (financial institution or auto company) taken over by the U.S. government, and financed by the Federal Reserve Bank.

Longer-Term Thoughts
Let’s consider the current economy in light of Saturn in Virgo, a planet-sign combination that is in effect September 2007 through October 2009. Saturn represents the principle of contraction, reduction, limitation, and even loss. When Saturn is present, matters take on a serious tone according to the sign it is in, or the planet(s) it aspects. Virgo is the sign related to work and service, particularly the work force. Saturn in Virgo, then, has the potential to correlate with loss of jobs, an increase in unemployment. This has certainly been the case so far, with most signs suggesting this will continue. But for how long? This is important, because the economy really can’t grow too fast or too much if more and more people are not finding jobs and getting paid enough money to generate a boost to the economy.

The jobs situation may be at its worst as Saturn sits at the middle degrees of Virgo. In fact, it is there now. Saturn will go stationary direct at 14 degrees and 54 minutes of Virgo on May 16. So the first possibility is that the unemployment situation reaches a peak in May. Since unemployment and payroll numbers are only announced the first week (Friday) of every month, we won’t see the data related to this “post Saturn direct” period until the first week of July.
There is reason to be optimistic here. Just as Saturn represents contraction and the probability of loss of jobs while in Virgo, Jupiter represents the possibility of expansion, growth, and optimism about the future. Much like Jupiter, Neptune pertains to hope and faith that things will get better. Jupiter and Neptune will be together in the skies (conjunction) from May 27 through July 10, 2009. Let’s say that this suggests that the jobs situation is improving then. At the end of this period (early July), the news starts hitting the media, and there is a new wave of optimism that things are getting better. Maybe by September, the economy really is showing signs of improvement, and the economists are right – the recession is ending around then.

Now I would like to end this part of the column right here, on a happy and positive note. But you know me better than that. You also know your astrology better than that. And even the very popular President Obama knows better than that. As he stated just this past week, there are still dangers ahead for our national and world economy, and Financial Astrology supports that view.
Saturn in the middle of Virgo is not the only geocosmic signature that relates to today’s employment situation. We also have to consider aspects that Saturn makes to the planets outside of its orbit. And they don’t look quite so optimistic. For one, we are in the midst of a 20-month transit of Saturn in opposition to Uranus. With Saturn in Virgo, this indicates that the employment situation can change abruptly, and with more than one unexpected crisis and loss of business. We have seen banks fail, insurance companies come close to failure, auto companies taken over and their leadership fired by the government, with more threats on the horizon. Saturn represents rules, laws, government regulations and restrictions. And herein lies the danger.

As government assumes more and more control, and implements more and more regulations over private enterprise, the less likely private enterprise will be to take the risk of investing in innovative ideas that could lead to new jobs – except in government itself. Investing is now a risk and it could easily lead to losses. And if it succeeds, the weight of all the new proposed regulations also increases the risk of being penalized if that person or business investment succeeds. At the very least, it can expect to pay more taxes. At the very worst… well, use your imagination and think of Rick Wagner and GM as they were just on the verge of launching their highly publicized Chevy Volt, the first major electric automobile manufactured in the USA. The challenge will be to find that right balance between regulations that prevent abuses on the part of the business, banking and financial community, with policies that reward (and not penalize) innovation leading to the creation of new jobs and economic growth. With Saturn coming to its third of five oppositions to Uranus on September 15, 2009, followed by the first of three Saturn-Pluto squares starting November 15, it would seem that this economic recovery will be seriously challenged again. We are not out of the woods yet, even as Venus turning direct also indicates.

The monthly MMA Cycles and MMA Japanese Cycles Reports will be issued this week, Tuesday and Wednesday, one day later than usual due to travel. The “MMA Cycles Report” is our market advisory report for traders of the U.S. stock indices, T-Notes, Gold, Silver, Euro, Swiss Franc, Grains, and Crude Oil. The “MMA Japan Cycles Report” covers the Nikkei, Dollar/Yen, and JGB Bonds. For more information and subscription, go to

We are also going to have another webcast for the world, a “Virtual On-line Discussion and Market Update with Raymond Merriman!” This “Webcast for the World” will take place on Saturday, May 2, 2009, just before the first of the three Jupiter-Neptune conjunction passages. Starting time will be 12:00 PM EDT (that’s 5:00 PM, GMT, or 9:00 AM, in Los Angeles). Via the modern technology of Vibation, Inc, this “latest update” discussion on current markets (both long-term and short-term outlooks), can be heard and seen in the comfort of your home or office. All you need is a computer with speakers. You will be able to be part of the live broadcast, with a live audience, and with the latest charts visible on your computer screen that will be the focus of this presentation. You can ask questions directly to the speaker (Merriman) during this presentation. You can see and hear the other questions being asked by those in the audience too. You will be given log-in instructions upon receipt of your reservation for this event. This webcast will analyze the stock market, Gold and Silver, currencies, grains, T-Notes, and Crude Oil. It is a webcast you won’t want to miss if you are a trader or investor in any of these markets. The cost for this private discussion is $45.00. If you are interested in being part of this on line event, go to,-2009/virtual/ to register. Or drop us an email at or fax (248-538-5296), or call us at 1-248-626-3034, and we will email instructions and pin number on how to participate. If you wish to be in the audience of this live presentation, taking place in Troy, Michigan, let us know and we will send you directions to the location.

For those interested in learning or improving your understanding of astrology, please note that a fantastic conference in Astrology is going to take place August 19-24, 2009, at the luxurious Oakbrook Hills Marriot Resort, just outside of Chicago (not far from O’Hare Airport). This will be the ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) 2009 conference, featuring over 80 professional astrologers form all over the world, including Jeff Jawer, Rick Levine, Michael Lutin, Claude Weiss, Nick Campion, Verena Bachmann, and several Financial Astrologers, including myself. There will be a whole track on Financial Astrology, and I will be giving a one-day workshop on Financial Astrology the day after the main conference. For more information, and registration, please go to For those who golf, note that this resort has one of the most impressive golf courses on the PGA tour. Golf where the pros golf, and learn astrology from some of the best astrologers in the world, all at the same time!

If you are an active short-term trader, you may be interested in our Weekly or even Daily Market reports with short-term trading recommendations. It is the only way I keep in touch with traders on a daily or even weekly basis. These reports give in-depth analysis of the DJIA, S&P and NASDAQ futures, Euro currency (cash and futures), Swiss Franc, Dollar/Yen cash and Yen futures, T-Notes, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Gold and Silver. The daily reports cover all stock indices listed above, as well as futures in Euro, T-Notes, Soybeans, Gold and Silver. Subscription to the daily report also includes the weekly report. For more information, go to,-2009/services, or call our offices at 1-248-626-3034. In the words of one of our subscribers: “I recently subscribed to your weekly report and am finding it to be excellent and a very useful companion to the MMA Cycles Report. I can't imagine now managing my investments without them.”

You can now order the Forecast 2009 book in four languages! It is available in Japanese at, in German at and, and in Spanish via In Serbian, you can order a PDF file of the book at In English, you can order directly from us, via our web site, or you can order from in Netherlands, in Zurich, and Earlthorn Ltd in Hong Kong at or by email at In Melbourne, Australia, you may order the Forecast 2009 book at, or by email at We are now down to our last 30 books in English.

Our new 2009 MMA catalogue is now out! If you are interested in receiving this catalogue, you can download it directly from our website at,-2009/freedownload/. A list of all our products and services and software programs is included therein.
The German version of “Merriman on Market Cycles: The Basics” is now in print. It is also a revision of the earlier work in English. For more information on this book, please go to our German web site at

We have added a valuable feature to our web site. Now, on the very front page, you can get a daily update on the weighted values of the Solar-Lunar cycles for the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Silver market, via the studies conducted in “The Ultimate Book on Sock Market Timing Vol 4: Solar-Lunar Correlations to Trading Cycles,” and “The Sun, Moon and Silver Market: Secrets of a Silver Trader.” These are the studies I use personally for short-term trading of stock index futures, ETFs (like DIA and Silver fund), and Silver futures. Anything over 100 means it has an above-average correlation to reversing from an isolated high or low if it forms that day. The higher the value, the more probable the reversal. To see these daily values, please go to, and just check it out on the top of the page.

Disclaimer and statement of purpose:
The purpose of this column is not to predict the future movement of various financial markets. However, that is the purpose of the MMA (Merriman Market Analyst) subscription services. This column is not a subscription service. It is a free service, except in those cases where a fee may be assessed to cover the cost of translating this column from English into a non-English language.
This weekly report is written with the intent to educate the reader on the relationship between astrological factors and collective human activities as they are happening. In this regard, this report will oftentimes report what happened in various stock and financial markets throughout the world in the past week, and discuss that movement in light of the geocosmic signatures that were in effect. It will then identify the geocosmic factors that will be in effect in the next week, or even month, or even years, and the author’s understanding of how these signatures will likely affect human activity in the times to come. The author (Merriman) will do this from a perspective of a cycle’s analyst looking at the military, political, economic, and even financial markets of the world.
It is possible that some forecasts will be made based on these factors. However, the primary goal is to both educate and alert the reader as to the psychological climate we are in, from an astrological perspective. The hope is that it will help the reader understand these psychological dynamics that underlie (or coincide with) the news events and hence financial markets of the day.
No guarantee as to the accuracy of this report is being made here. Any decisions in financial markets are solely the responsibility of the reader, and neither the author nor the publishers assume any responsibility at all for those individual decisions. Reader should understand that futures and options trading are considered high risk.
Copyright MMACycles 2007-2009; you may link to this site or page, but you may not distribute these texts in any way (by email or otherwise).
Previous weeklies (2006) are archived at
For other language editions of MMA´s weekly comments:
Dutch : (Nederlands)
French : (Francais)
German : (Deutch)
Japanese :
Polish :

Please note: This is not the same as our service titled "MMA Weekly Comments and Recommendations on Financial Markets" which is available by subscription only.


Folks, it sure is interesting to see how these things unfold, isn't it?! You can always find Raymond Merriman's weekly preview comments at his website (included in the "other sites of interest" listed at the right side of the page here), Merriman Market Analyst Weekly Comments.

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