Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Does market breadth and symmetry tell us the market's train will be north-bound? Perspectives from Terry Laundry's T Theory

Terry Laundry's remarkable work with T Theory not only indicated that the rally from the early March lows would be a good one, but has not apparently turned even more bullish. I'll need some time to absorb what he's describing, and I believe I missed posting his chart last week, so today I'm posting his chart from his 4/27 update yesterday as well as his prior one from Monday last week (4/20). Be sure to check out Terry's audio comments that go along with and explain his analysis, at T Theory website. Especially because of the long time period he's projecting, this is something we'll want to get a handle on!

Hare are his comments that went along with his April 20 update (his chart from that update is below):
"Comments; The Current T is projecting a rise to end of May/Early June and doing fine for this period, however the small blue channel sketched in the S&P suggests the market is very short term over extended and need a correction before resuming the T's advance."

For what it's worth, the late May/early June time period he mentions is a time frame I'm also interested in because of other things I'm seeing in the charts, as well as possible cycle dates from a couple of different cycles methodologies. I didn't realize Terry Laundry had that also (I was traveling last week and didn't see his comment on that until now.)

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