Friday, April 17, 2009

Market morning comments

Dear readers, you already know the ChartsEdge daily map for today as it was posted yesterday before the open (it's a beautiful thing, isn't it?!). Let's not forget that the April 17-20 time window is an important cycle time in more than one cycle system. I've got mid-day on Monday, April 20 as the Armstrong date - if it must be pinpointed that closely, although the Armstrong March 2009 newsletter stated that it doesn't have to be that close. And my VIX/VXO charts have been looking consistent with the move down along a downtrend line. If indeed VIX/VXO moves up from these lows, either today or Monday or soon, then I'll mark that as a likely important new "corner" on these charts.

Here's a bit of reading at the Stockcharts blogs that may be of interest: Quadrupal Top Breakout Now Faltering (CPSI) - from the Don't Ignore This Chart! blog (I am not certain if you need a subscription in order to access it - it looks free to me, but then again I do have a subscription so I cannot be really certain). I guess the headline gives you info on it already, but their blogpost does show the chart and give a key level (very close to current price actually) that CPSI would need to remain above.

Welcome to OPEX FRIDAY - I'll post a bit more as the trading day gets underway, probably at my UBTNB3 blogspot but will also post here if anything really significant looks happening. Don't forget to put yourself into position by end of day to enjoy your Friday evening and weekend - happy market navigating all!

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