Saturday, January 29, 2011

Prepare for more sudden sharp market moves under Aquarius influences: Raymond Merriman's weekly preview comments

Well well, the stock market crest we've been expecting may be upon us! And apparently Aquarius is playing a major role in the volatility that's picked up, and likely to continue for a while. This week we get an extra treat with preview thoughts for now through June 2011, and financial astrology history and insights. Despite my vacation we still want to keep up with the financial markets. So as usual we'll start with Raymond Merriman and his financial astrology. Ray's financial forecasting analysis also including market cycles, economy, and even the political climate. He also uses cycles analysis with his financial astrology for equities, bonds, currencies and commodities - for commentaries that are always fascinating. His paid subscription services are more precise in terms of predictions; but, that's fair of course! These weekly free preview comments are more intended to be general commentaries although they can often provide illumination or perspective on what's happening. Here's Ray Merriman's set of public preview comments for the upcoming week, from his site at Merriman Market Analyst MMACycles Weekly Preview Comments:

MMA Comments for the Week Beginning January 31, 2011

Written by Raymond Merriman

You can tell the Sun is in Aquarius now because finacial markets are all over the place. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of non-conformity, chaos, and rebelliousness against the norm. Financial markets were anything but normal or conforming last week, with many breaking below support or above resistance. Some stock indices made new yearly highs while others made new multi-month lows. As one looks at the stock indices of the entire world, last week was chaotic. Commodities were not much better, with Wheat back to its yearly highs, and Gold and Silver falling to multi-month lows.

In the Pacific Rim and Asia, the most noteworthy stock index was India's NIFTY. On Friday, January 28, it fell to its lowest level since August 2010. The Hang Seng of Hong Kong was down all week as well. By comparison, the Japanese Nikkei and Australian All Ordinaries stock indices had "inside weeks." That is, their weekly range was below the prior week's high and above their prior week's low.

Now compare this to Europe's equity markets last week. Here, the Netherlands AEX and German DAX continued to rally to their highest levels in over two years on Thursday, January 27. But neither the London FTSE nor the Swiss SMI stock index did the same. They rallied into Thursday, but only modestly, and well below their highs of even the week before.

In the Americas, the Dow Jones Industrial Average poked above 12,000 intraday on the each of the last three days last week for the first time in nearly three years. But it couldn't close above 12,000. By Friday, it was testing 11,800. The NASDAQ Composite, by comparison, couldn't exceed its high of the prior week, and also fell hard on Friday. In Argentina, the Merval index soared to another new all-time high late last week. But Brazil's Bovespa declined all week.

Financial Astrologers may have also noticed that the most erratic (but typical) Sun-in-Aquarius behavior was reserved for the precious metals' sector. Gold tumbled to the 1300 area early Friday. That was its lowest level since late August 2010. By the end of the day, it was testing 1350, a huge turn around. This behavior is as much related to the Sun in Aquarius as it is to heliocentric Mercury in Sagittarius, which is in effect January 25-February 4. Silver likewise plummeted all week, falling to 2630 early Friday morning, January 28. That was its lowest level since mid-November. But later in the day, it was back up above 2800. Could this be the start of another test of the all-time highs? The next two weeks may be critical in this determination.

Short-Term Geocosmics

One of the more important geocosmic signatures in effect right now is Heliocentric Mercury transiting through Sagittarius (January 25-February 4). This transit has a very high correlation to strong rallies of at least 3-9 trading days in currencies (against the U.S. Dollar) and precious metals. Sometimes the low begins as much as 1-2 weeks before the ingress into Sagittarius, and sometimes it starts right at the beginning. In the current case, the rally in currencies started January 10, when the Euro currency made its primary cycle trough (below 1.2900) and the Swiss Franc a major cycle low. They then started a rally that really escalated last week. The Euro currency traded above 1.3750 on Thursday. Gold and Silver, on the other hand, declined sharply from their highs the first trading day of this year, to a low on Friday, January 28. These markets did not follow their normal course, which is to rally during the first three days of heliocentric Mercury in Sagittarius, and not fall to new lows then. But by Friday morning the low of the week was in, and both metals turned around sharply, as would normally be expected during this transit.

This week we also see the start of a rather heavily populated time band of geocosmic signatures. On February 2, Venus will make a waning square (270 degrees distance) to Uranus. Since Uranus rules Aquarius, and is the lord of chaos and non-conformity, the sharp and sudden turns in financial markets are likely to continue. That same day is a new moon in Aquarius, which also coincides with sharp price movements, especially in precious metals.

As if that is not enough, the Sun and Mars come into conjunction on Friday, February 4.The importance of these two fiery gods was described last week as follows, "In a study I presented at one of the Astro Economic conferences in Chicago several years ago, I demonstrated that this conjunction – with an orb of 1-4 weeks - had the highest correlation to 10% or greater moves in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. That is, the stock market would make a high or low that was at least 10% from a prior high or low, and then commence a 10+% counter trend reversal during the orb of influence associated with this planetary conjunction… The Sun-Mars conjunction suggests that a top could be forming in this period from which prices will now drop 10%, before resuming the next leg up to new highs."

February 4 is also the day that heliocentric Mercury moves from the highly energetic sign of Sagittarius, to the much more sobering sign of Capricorn. Whereas price movements of currencies and precious metals' tend to be large and mostly up in Sagittarius, the opposite is usually the case when it is Capricorn (February 4-15). February 4 is also important because the Labor Department will release its monthly payroll and unemployment numbers. That alone can move markets sharply, especially when taking place in Aquarius.

But there is more. Geocentric Venus makes its ingress from Sagittarius into Capricorn too on February 4. Previously we discussed the possibility that Venus in Sagittarius (January 7-Ferbruaty 4) would see more days of rising stock prices than falling, with a potential short-term top during that period. That has been the case this time once again.

Fasten your seat belts. This week is poised to be another week of explosive market behavior, and perhaps coinciding with explosive geopolitical or natural activity as well. It could even continue into the full moon of February 18, just before the Sun moves from Aquarius into Pisces.

Longer-Term Thoughts

In the study of astrology, planets beyond the orbit of Mars are referred to as "outer planets." Their orbits around the Sun last anywhere from approximately 12 years in the case of Jupiter, to 248 years in the case of Pluto. Whenever an outer planet changes from one sign of the zodiac to another, it is referred to as an "ingress" of that planet. And you can quickly dismissed the recent notion that there are 13 signs to the zodiac. If they wish to include a 13th constellation, then why not include the other 50+ constellations? The astrology we practice is not constellational-based. It is seasonally based, and the zodiac refers more to seasons than constellations. At one point in time about 2000 years ago, they matched up. But with the tilt of the earth at the rate of one degree every 72 years, that time has long passed, and won't return again for over 20,000 years.

But back to the point... This past week, Jupiter ingressed into Aries. That is, it exited Pisces, and entered the zodiac sign of Aries. Normally an ingress of Jupiter into a new sign of the zodiac will last about one year. Due to its retrograde motion, Jupiter first entered Aries on June 6, 2010. It retrograded back into Pisces on September 9, where it remained until last weekend, January 22, at which time it ingressed back into Aries. It will continue its passage all the way through Aries now until June 4, when it will makes its ingress into Taurus.

Thus it can be said that Jupiter will now be in Aries, January 22-June 4. This represents a new collective psychological dynamic that combines the principals of Jupiter (expansion, optimism, exaggeration, hopefulness, confidence, and over-reaching) with Aries (competitive, combative, assertive, aggressive, and impatient). Thus this portends a period of many promises of an overly large and exaggerated nature, with more than the usual amount of desire to succeed and prosper – at any cost. This will likely be a time when the future looks brighter than it has for several years. In response, investors are more likely to re-enter the stock markets, driving prices higher, as has been the case since the first passage of Jupiter into Aries back in early June 2010.

A look at the stock markets of the world will show clearly that most bottomed in late May 2010. The USA stock markets continued falling to a slightly lower low in the first week of July. This phenomenon of some stock indices bottoming at one time, and other indices bottoming a few weeks or months later, is known as "bullish intermarket divergence." It is one of the most valuable tools for identifying a trend reversal, when combined with Financial Astrology indications of a trend reversal. At the 4-year bottom in March 2003, as the U.S. commenced its invasion of Iraq, the stock markets of Europe bottomed, but the USA markets did not. They bottomed five months earlier, in October 2002. This was yet another example of bullish intermarket divergence, but this time the order of lows was reversed between the USA and other world markets. The USA bottomed first in 2002-2003, but Europe bottomed first in the lows of May through July 2010.

The point of all this is that we are now entering into a new collective psychology. Jupiter in Aries represents greater confidence in the future, and a greater competitiveness for profits. It is also the basis for the forecast that stock markets around the world would top out sometime between January and June 2011. When Jupiter ingresses into Taurus on June 4, 2011, it will mark yet another change in collective psychology. It won't be as aggressive and optimistic, though the profits generated by Jupiter in Aries may remain stable through the most of the time Jupiter is in Taurus (June 4, 2011-June 11, 2012). However, since the stock market usually leads the economy by 3-9 months, this does not mean stock prices will remain bullish throughout Jupiter in Taurus. It will likely top out before Jupiter leaves Taurus, and maybe nearby to the time it leaves Aries.

Note: Every so often I need to remind readers that the purpose of this column is educational. It is to discuss the correlation of astrological factors with activity in financial markets and geopolitical, or current, events. This is the basis for Financial and Mundane Astrology. Its purpose is not to make specific recommendations on financial markets. For that purpose, we have specially designed subscription reports for investors, position traders, and aggressive, short-term traders. Those reports are issued monthly, weekly, and/or daily. They give specific recommendations in several financial markets. This column does not. It would be most unwise, and even financially dangerous, to make trading and even investment decisions on the basis of this educational column alone.


If you are an active short-term trader, you may be interested in our Weekly or even Daily Market reports with short-term trading recommendations. It is the only way I keep in touch with traders on a daily or even weekly basis, as I no longer offer personal consultations. These reports give in-depth analysis of the DJIA, S&P and NASDAQ futures, Euro currency (cash and futures), Swiss Franc, Dollar/Yen cash and Yen futures, Euro-Yen cash, T-Notes, Soybeans, Crude Oil, Gold and Silver. The daily reports cover all stock indices listed above, as well as futures in Euro, T-Notes, Soybeans, Gold and Silver. Both reports provide trading strategies and recommendations for position traders as well as short-term aggressive traders. Subscription to the daily report also includes the weekly report. For more information, go to, or call our offices at 1-248-626-3034. In fact, since September 2011, both the daily and weekly reports have been extremely accurate and profitable for both position traders and short-term aggressive traders. Position traders in stocks indices, for instance, were put long back in November 2010 when the DJIA traded slightly below 11,000. They have remained long through the entire rally since then (over 1200 points, and over 12%). These reports are extremely valuable to those who trade ETF's (Exchange Traded Funds). In the words of one of our subscribers: "I recently subscribed to your weekly report and am finding it to be excellent and a very useful companion to the MMA Cycles Report. I can't imagine now managing my investments without them."

The "Forecasts for 2011 Webcast" with Raymond Merriman that took place on Sunday, January 9, 2011 will be available by DVD or CD this week. It is available now via "Streaming Review" until February 5, or through MP3 purchase. It was a great presentation, filled with many investment ideas with timing insights. The cost for the MP3 or Streaming Review is $45.00 (no postage). The cost of the CD is $45.00, + postage. The cost of the DVD is $59.99 + postage. The market charts used in the presentation will be emailed to you separately in a PDF format. To purchase your copy of this Forecast 2011 webcast, just register at the MMA Website ( Or drop us an email ( or fax (248-538-5296), or call us at 1-248-626-3034.

The Forecast 2011 Book is now out in both printed edition and electronic book edition, via I Pad, the I Phone 4, and as of Friday, on the Amazon Kindle electronic book format too!!! The Amazon Kindle edition is available to anyone anywhere who has a Kindle. Just go to their bookstore and type in "Raymond Merriman" or "Forecast 2011." It will be available in Spanish as well. It is also available to via ITunes if you have the Apple I Pad or I Phone 4. Both the English and Spanish versions are available to any resident of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, United Kingdom, or the United States. If you are not a resident of these countries, you can still order it if you have an email address registered via one of these countries. Just go to ITunes, and then "Library," then "Store," then in the field titled "Search," type in "Forecast 2011" or "Raymond Merriman" (without quotation marks).

The printed version of Forecast 2011 is out in Chinese, Swiss, Dutch, Japanese, Spanish, and Russian versions. The Chinese book contains an analysis of the Hang Seng stock market. The Japanese Book contains an analysis of the Nikkei index. We are pleased to announce that that this year's book may be purchased at these websites, and in these languages: Chinese: at Dutch: at German: at Japanese: at Russian: at Spanish: at

I had the pleasure of reading Manfred Zimmel's economic outlook for 2011 recently. I would highly recommend this fascinating overview through the eyes of another Financial Astrologer that I respect very much. Manfred can be a bit radical in the eyes of some, but he has been so right on the world economic scene so far ahead of everyone else, that he cannot be ignored. His record bears respect. And I greatly appreciate his discussion on inflation in this report. It is exceptional in my opinion. This report can be ordered at

Upcoming Events:

February 6, 2011: Lansing, MI. "Forecasts for 2011" with Raymond Merriman, sponsored by the LCAS. 1-4:00 PM, Hampton Inn in Okemos (near I-96, exit 110). Contact 517-664-2665 for information. Or I look forward to seeing many readers of this column there.

April 14 and 16, 2011: Kansas City, Mo. Update on "Forecasts for 2011" and a "Financial Astrology Workshop" with Raymond Merriman. Sponsored by AOA. For more information, please go to, or, or call 816-774-4514. The workshop will cover projections for the U.S. stock market, precious metals, and other markets of interest to attendees. This will probably be the only Financial Astrology workshop in the United States this year. There will also be a special dinner party arranged for Friday evening, with Merriman, for those who attend the workshop (there will be a $55.00 fee for the dinner, but it will still be a special occasion to meet one another). You can also see the flyer for this weekend by going to, under EVENTS.

Our next private meeting with subscribers will take place after the all-day workshop in Kansas City, on Saturday, April 16. This is a very exciting gathering, for both myself (Merriman) and subscribers, as all kinds of interesting topics and ideas usually come up. Various market topics will be discussed and you may ask questions in this lively exchange. But you need to reserve a spot in this meeting with us ahead of time. There is no cost to subscribers, or $95.00 if not a subscriber to any daily or weekly report, or a one-year subscription to any MMA Cycles Report. To make your reservation for this special meeting, call us at 1-248-626-3034 or email Amber

May 6-8, and May 14, 2011: Ljubljana, Slovenia and Belgrade, Serbia. Contact for details on Slovenia conference and for Belgrade conference. The subject matter at both conferences will be Financial Astrology.

May-June 2011: I will be hosting at least one dinner meeting with MMA subscribers in Europe during this period, as I complete the final chapters of "The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing, Volume 5: Forecasting Prices." This meeting will take place in either Munich, Hamburg, or Berlin, and may follow a one-day Financial Astrology and Market Timing Workshop on current market forecasts in stocks, precious metals, and currencies. Reservations will be required for the dinner as you will be my guests (no charge to you, but there will be a charge for non-subscribers). At this dinner meeting, I will share one chart that I think deserves special consideration as a position trade for this season. Stay tuned for details in these announcements.

September 1-8, 2011: Bali! "Financial Astrology" Intensive workshop with Raymond Merriman, and "Mundane Astrology" with Claude Weiss. For more information on this unique week-long intensive and incredible South Pacific paradise adventure, please go to I am going to have to start talking about this soon because it will be a big event for me. I haven't had a multi-day conference on my work for several years now. This will be a joy and a challenge to put together what I have learned since 2006, both as a market timing analyst and a trader. I hope several of you can join us. I believe it will be well worth it, if you wish to learn these methods of analysis, and talk to others who also seriously study these subjects. Sign up early to get an advanced registration discount. I have never been to Bali, but I hear it is lovely. I may stay there a few additional weeks and write.

Disclaimer and statement of purpose:

The purpose of this column is not to predict the future movement of various financial markets. However, that is the purpose of the MMA (Merriman Market Analyst) subscription services. This column is not a subscription service. It is a free service, except in those cases where a fee may be assessed to cover the cost of translating this column from English into a non-English language.

This weekly report is written with the intent to educate the reader on the relationship between astrological factors and collective human activities as they are happening. In this regard, this report will oftentimes report what happened in various stock and financial markets throughout the world in the past week, and discuss that movement in light of the geocosmic signatures that were in effect. It will then identify the geocosmic factors that will be in effect in the next week, or even month, or even years, and the author's understanding of how these signatures will likely affect human activity in the times to come. The author (Merriman) will do this from a perspective of a cycle's analyst looking at the military, political, economic, and even financial markets of the world.

It is possible that some forecasts will be made based on these factors. However, the primary goal is to both educate and alert the reader as to the psychological climate we are in, from an astrological perspective. The hope is that it will help the reader understand these psychological dynamics that underlie (or coincide with) the news events and hence financial markets of the day.

No guarantee as to the accuracy of this report is being made here. Any decisions in financial markets are solely the responsibility of the reader, and neither the author nor the publishers assume any responsibility at all for those individual decisions. Reader should understand that futures and options trading are considered high risk.

Copyright MMACycles 2007-2011; you may link to this site or page, but you may not distribute these texts in any way (by email or otherwise).


Previous weeklies (2006) are archived at

For other language editions of MMA´s weekly comments:

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