Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Yen's future path revealed into 2012 and beyond: Tony Caldaro's special Elliott Wave report

I've posted numerous charts over a very long time here (under the "Yen" label), showing my bullish long-term projections regarding the Japanese Yen (which can be tracked via $XJY or the ETF, $FXY). Based on one set of Fibonacci projections, I could see it getting to $XJY at $135. Now Tony Caldaro at his "the ELLIOTT WAVE Lives On" site has published a detailed analysis projecting $133 or so, using his Objective Elliott Wave techniques juxtaposed on long-term cycles. Especially if you're a currency trader - and even if you're not - you owe it to yourself to look at this, below (thanks again, Tony!). Tony occasionally features special reports on certain markets, such as this one, or another country's stock index, commodities, etc. We feature his general weekend updates here, and you can also use the feed at lower right on the pages here to locate his daily updates and special reports. So, here's his in-depth analysis of the Yen including link to his public charts, shared from his website (always in the links list at right, and via the feed at lower right too; plus he tweets as @OEWtony), at http://caldaro.wordpress.com/:

The Japanese Yen: JPYUSD
by Tony Caldaro

March 29, 2011

As a followup to our recent long term report on the Japan Nikkei equity index we present our long term analysis on the JPYUSD. The Yen is a western economy currency which generally follows the CHFUSD long term currency cycle model, as opposed to commodity sensitive currencies like the AUDUSD, CADUSD and ZARUSD. The CHFUSD model displays Cyclical tops and bottoms every 16-17 years, with the bottoms occurring only 6-7 years after the tops. The long term charts of the JPYUSD display this currency cycle quite well with a slight variation at the lows.

The above chart displays the currency cycle quite well over the past 40 years. Notice the Cyclical tops in 1978, 1995, and the rise into the next scheduled top in 2012. The Cyclical lows, however, occur much more quickly than the general model. Instead of the typical 6-7 year decline the JPYUSD makes a low in 3-4 years and then a secondary (higher) low at the normal end of the 6-7 year decline. This will be important after the JPYUSD tops next year. The monthly JPYUSD chart displays the same pattern from 1980-2011 with the OEW labeling.

A JPYUSD Supercycle bull market began in 1985 at 38.00. Cycle wave [A] contained three Primary waves and ended in 1995 at 123.33. The Cycle wave [B] bear phase unfolded in three Primary waves as well and bottomed in 2001/2002 at 74.00. Since then the Cycle wave [C] bull phase has unfolded, completing two of the Primary waves, and will likely conclude Primary wave C in 2012.

A closer view of Primary wave C is presented in the JPYUSD weekly chart. Notice Primary C has divided into the typical three Major waves: Major wave A ended in Jan09 at 114.75 and Major wave B in Apr09 at 98.94. Major wave C is dividing into the typical three Intermediate waves: Int. wave A ended in Nov09 at 116.21 and Int. wave B ended in Apr10 at 105.36. Therefore the JPYUSD is currently in Int. wave C, of Major wave C, of Primary wave C, of Cycle wave [C] of a multi-decade Supercycle bull market. Fibonacci price analysis of the final waves of this bull market suggest the following upside price target: @ 133.1 Major C = Major A, and @ 133.2 Int. C = 1.62 Int. A. The JPYUSD appears to have a lot more to go on the upside before topping in 2012. To follow this currency pair with us go to page 15 on the following link: http://stockcharts.com/def/servlet/Favorites.CServlet?obj=ID1606987. Best to your trading/investing.

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