Friday, April 1, 2011

Financial markets climb into geocosmic reversal date proving financial astrology again; what's going on? Raymond Merriman's comments for April 4 week

If you didn't realize financial astrology could be useful, read on. There are even more startling astrologers, like Manfred Zimmel who's saying some amazing things about hyperinflation and all types of cycles in his new free newsletter at Raymond Merriman is "more readable" and you're going to like his comments this evening for the upcoming week(s). And we've certainly got drama ahead, with the geocosmic reversal date, the U.S. budget debacle, and heightened concerns whether we can (hyper)inflate our way out of the crushing debts. Ray's financial astrology forecasting analysis also references market cycles, economy, and even the political climate, to analyze stock markets around the world, bonds, currencies and commodities - for insight that's always worth knowing. His paid subscription services are more precise in terms of predictions; but, that's fair of course! These weekly free preview comments are more intended to be general commentaries although they can do provide illumination or perspective on what's happening. Here's Ray Merriman's set of public preview comments for the upcoming week, from his site at Merriman Market Analyst - MMA Cycles Weekly Preview Comments:

MMA Comments for the Week Beginning April 4, 2011

Written by Raymond Merriman

The Market Week in Review

Russia and the United States had something in common last week. The major stock indices of both countries made new multi-year highs on Friday, April 1. None of the other major stock markets of world did that, although most rallied strongly into the end of the week.

It also interesting to note what happened on our last three geocosmic critical reversal dates. The majority of the world indices we track made their yearly highs within one trading of the February 21 three-star critical reversal date. Nearly all then turned down, bottoming on March 15-17, which is within three trading days of the March 18-21 critical reversal date. That was only a one-star reversal date, but the only one between February 21 and now. All of these indices then commenced rallies into Friday, April 1, which is our current three-star geocosmic critical reversal date. In almost all cases, these rallies have been more than just the normal 50% retracement variety. Many indices are nearing their yearly highs, and in the case of the Micex index in Russia and the Dow Jones Industrial Average of USA, they are at their highest levels in over two years. What does this say? It says Financial Astrology, more than any other study, has forecasted these reversals well, ahead of time. Financial Astrology is, as we have stated so many times, one of the most valuable market timing tools available, and lends support to the validity of market timing. It is not a fool's errand. One day the world might figure this out. In the meantime we can be thankful they haven't, for once such a tool is understood it will likely not work so well.

Financial markets seem to be shrugging off all the bad news, like the fighting in Libya, regime change in Egypt and Tunisia, the repercussions of the natural disasters in Japan, and the continuing debt bombs looming on the horizon in Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Spain, Japan, and even the United States. Instead they are embracing the principles indicated by Jupiter and Uranus both in Aries, which we have long ago dubbed "The Asset Inflation Express." With Jupiter and Uranus referring to excessive speculation, while at the same time coinciding with shocking and sudden events, the stock markets of the world are going through extreme gyrations in prices. That is, the trend is up, but along the way there are sudden but severe plunges that take out layers of support, only to reverse again back to the bullish trend. Jupiter and Uranus are both in Aries until Jupiter advances to Taurus on June 4. Could this express last that long? Yes it could, and maybe even into late 2011-early 2012 when Jupiter retrogrades back to the border of Aries and Taurus.

Short-Term Geocosmics

There is a lot happening these days in the heavens. And have you noticed there is also a lot happening these days here on Earth? Which issue do you want to tackle first?

Let's start with Friday's jobs report in the USA. It showed that over 200,000 new jobs were created, and unemployment dropped to 8.8%. The trend is moving in the right direction here, as forecasted would happen once Saturn got out of Virgo and into Libra (second half of 2010). Both Federal and State treasuries will start to see increased revenues now because of this. And to think the government didn't even need to raise the tax rate for this to happen! But because it is happening, you can be sure there will be calls to raise the rates very soon. After all, Pluto is still in Capricorn, and about to be squared by Uranus from 2012 through 2015. Putting two and two together in a logical sense has never been the strength of Uranus or politicians. If it works, there must be something illegal or immoral about it. Let's change it.

But just because the revenues are growing strongly again, so too is spending continuing at record levels. So the bottom line is still debt, debt, and more debt. Which brings us to Mercury retrograde and the April 8 deadline for raising the debt limit again in the USA. It's a big deal, and once again Congress and the White House have managed to procrastinate making such a major decision until Mercury turned retrograde. Like every other Mercury retrograde since September 2008, we can only hope that they get it right, but in reality, they will probably once again come to a forced agreement that is not fully thought out and will end up causing even more problems than solutions. Mercury went retrograde March 30 and will remain so until April 22. In the study of astrology, this is a fine time to research and reflect, to discuss and debate things respectfully and eventually come to a more complete understanding before reaching an agreement after Mercury goes direct. Any decisions made too pre-maturely then, or as a result of waiting too long, usually have to be reversed or revised later on, which becomes a pattern of inefficiency. It becomes costly in terms of time, money, and good will. No doubt this situation could follow that same path.

But that is not all that is going on in the heavens this week. Mars entered Aries on Friday, April 1, and it conjuncts Uranus on the new moon in Aries on Sunday, April 3. You may remember Uranus entered Aries on March 11 as the earthquake and tsunami struck northern Japan. The same degree of the zodiac is being hit again. These are also the same degrees in which the heart of Cardinal Climax took place last summer. We may see themes related to March 10-17 and last summer come up again shortly. It also falls on very sensitive degrees to the chart of the Federal Reserve Board, so central banks may make some unexpected announcements or policy changes in the next few days. Is anyone paying attention to the currency markets lately?

Or maybe it relates to issues surrounding the shut-down of USA governmental services because of the lack of a budget agreement that is due. Interestingly enough both parties are saying there is progress. But do we trust such confident and hopeful statements made as Mercury turns retrograde, Mars conjuncts Uranus, and the latter make hard aspects to the Fed's chart? Well maybe there is hope. After all, the Sun will conjunct Jupiter on April 6, which is certainly optimistic in Aries. And two days before that (April 4), the delusional and altruistic planet of Neptune enters the delusional and altruistic sign of Pisces, something that happens about every 164 years. So maybe there is hope, maybe the politicians do pull it off. And then again, maybe they just come very close to an agreement and then it all falls apart as Pluto turns stationary retrograde right on April 8 – the deadline. Pluto stationary highlights Pluto issues. One big Pluto theme is – guess what? – the debt bomb.

Longer-Term Thoughts

Well let's leave the debt bomb issue for a moment and switch our attention to something remarkable that is happening in the heavens. The 18.7-year cycle of the Moon's North Node crossing the Galactic Center at approximately 27 degrees of Sagittarius is occurring now, having just left Capricorn for its 18-month trek through Sagittarius last Month (March).

In the study of Evolutionary Astrology (, the Sagittarius-Capricorn crossover point is akin to the Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere), which is the day of greatest darkness each year. It is reversed in the Southern Hemisphere, where it is the day of the greatest light. In a personal horoscope, it is akin to the Nadir, or I.C., the lowest-most point in the chart, corresponding to where the Sun would be around midnight – the point of greatest darkness each day. It is the point where one day ends, and the next begins. Likewise, when the Sun is at the winter solstice (zero Capricorn), it is the true end to the annual cycle, and start of the true New Year. Thus whenever a major transit crosses the 0 degree Capricorn point, it is a time of ending great cycles, and starting new longer-term ones. This pertains to shifts in collective psychology as well as economic and political changes of trend. It is an 18-19 year cycle, which last happened in August 1992 and October 1973. Check out the political changes within 9 months of those times. But these can also pertain to changes in the long-term trends in financial markets, especially currencies and grain prices. Check out the Japanese Yen and Swiss Franc relative to the US Dollar in the last couple of weeks.

Shortly after leaving Capricorn for Sagittarius, the Moon's North Node crosses the Galactic Center. The symbolism here relates to themes that have a universal, primal, interest. In some ways it may be considered like the "Universal Mind," from whence all ideas originate. Many people experience an enlightening breakthrough in understanding during this period. That is why the same inventions are oftentimes announced by multiple people at the same time (think Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla discovering new uses of electricity). Or maybe it has to do with an understanding of life itself. Issues of pro-life and pro-choice tend to be resurrected during periods when major planets cross the Galactic Center, for instance.

In any event, there is reason to be hopeful right now. The Moon's North Node crossing the Galactic Center is a fertile time for new discoveries, new inventions, and new understandings. Wouldn't it be nice if political and economic leaders of the world suddenly understood how to diffuse the debt bomb? Ooops… I think I just had a Neptune-moving-into-Pisces moment. Sorry! It felt soooo good! Everything was right, perfect, and exactly as it should be.


Can it be this specific? Here is the copy of the email alert sent out to our daily subscribers at 11:13 AM Friday morning, April 1, our three-star critical reversal date, as the DJIA touched 12,415:

"Folks, it is getting toppy now as we are in April three-star critical reversal. 60-minute and 15-minute charts are overbought and 30-minute nearly so. And we are entering the next bearish crossover zone. Last night's report stated, 'Prices closed above a bearish crossover zone at 12,319-12,347. Others remain in effect at 12,415-12,494...' Mercury is still retrograde, but all other things look like a top may be trying to form in this crossover zone."

The new 2-year high ended up being 12,419 moments later. Let's see if that turns out to be a good call or a great call.

Our Web Site and Security Issues with Norton Anti-Virus and Internet Explorer 8: This is really a Mercury retrograde coincident issue for us this week. On March 29 or 30, Norton apparently upgraded their protection system for their subscribers. Now, those users who try to log into our web site at www.mmacycles.comget a threatening message that our website is unsafe and not secure. The one thing all these web users have in common is that they use Norton security AND Internet Explorer 8. There are no security issues with our web site. It is completely safe. Even if you go to Norton's own web site, and check "web site safety", it says the site is completely safe on all levels. No threats exist. But there is some kind of problem between Norton's new updated system and Internet Explorer 8 that blocks some of their users from some websites. We happen to be one of the (un)lucky ones. For solution to this problem (or at least awareness of it), please go to It tells you how to get around it until Norton gets around to fixing it. In the meantime, we apologize – and give thanks -to all of you who have encountered this problem and reported it to us. It is only Norton with only Internet Explorer 8. If you have Firefox Mozilla and Norton, use Firefox to get to us. Or something other than IE 8. Or use a protection system other than Norton 360 or Norton Internet Security (Suite or Biz Suite). The issue is between Norton and IE 8. But it affects us (and a few other websites, due to their cookie's detection sensitivity). Our cookies are safe. We use only natural products.

If you are an active short-term trader, you may be interested in our Weekly or even Daily Market reports with short-term trading recommendations. It is the only way I keep in touch with traders on a daily or even weekly basis, as I no longer offer personal consultations. These reports give in-depth analysis of the DJIA, S&P and NASDAQ futures, Euro currency (cash and futures), Swiss Franc, Dollar/Yen cash and Yen futures, Euro-Yen cash, T-Notes, Soybeans, Crude Oil, Gold and Silver. The daily reports cover all stock indices listed above, as well as futures in Euro, T-Notes, Soybeans, Gold and Silver. Both reports provide trading strategies and recommendations for position traders as well as for shorter-term aggressive traders. Subscription to the daily report also includes the weekly report. For more information, go to, or call our offices at 1-248-626-3034. These reports are extremely valuable to those who trade ETF's (Exchange Traded Funds). In the words of one of our subscribers: "I recently subscribed to your weekly report and am finding it to be excellent and a very useful companion to the MMA Cycles Report. I can't imagine now managing my investments without them."

The Forecast 2011 Book is still available in both printed edition and electronic book format. The electronic book version of the book is available via I Pad, the I Phone 4, and Amazon Kindle. The Amazon Kindle edition is available to anyone anywhere in the world. Just go to their bookstore and type in "Raymond Merriman" or "Forecast 2011." It is available in Spanish as well. It is also available via ITunes if you have the Apple I Pad or I Phone 4. Both the English and Spanish versions are available in this format to any resident of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, United Kingdom, or the United States. If you are not a resident of these countries, you can still order it if you have an email address registered via one of these countries. Just go to ITunes, and then "Library," then "Store," then in the field titled "Search," type in "Forecast 2011" or "Raymond Merriman" (without quotation marks).

The printed version of Forecast 2011 is also still available in Chinese, Swiss, Dutch, Japanese, Spanish, and Russian versions. The Chinese book contains an analysis of the Hang Seng stock market. The Japanese Book contains an analysis of the Nikkei index. We are pleased to announce that that this year's book may be purchased at these websites, and in these languages: Chinese: at Dutch: at German: at Japanese: at Russian: at Spanish: at

The final Volume 5 of "The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing" series is nearly finished. This will complete a project started in 1996. The previous 4 volumes have been on "when" to buy and sell, or how to forecast a future cycle low or high. This last volume addresses the subject of "where" to buy and sell, or "forecasting price targets." It is the missing link. It details the mathematical formulas and technical studies used to enhance timing of entry and exit in any market, but especially stock indices. The book is expected to be out sometime between August-November 2011. If you have any of the first four volumes, you will soon be receiving a special pre-publication offer for advanced orders (or call us to place your order if you want to make sure you are on the list). We should point out that Volumes 2 and 3 will probably be sold out before this new volume comes out. There are less than 25 copies of each available. We will allow them to remain out of print for awhile before reprinting.

I am oftentimes asked for recommendations of a money manager who uses my methods, since I won't manage other people's money. The thing is, almost all money managers I know use their own systems. But many subscribe to my services and share my thoughts about the future of the economy, various financial markets, and how to position one's portfolio along these lines. One money manager who subscribes to MMA services that I would suggest for those looking to structure a longer-term portfolio, such as a retirement account, is Duke O'Neill of Capstone Capital Wealth Management, Boulder, Colorado. He can be reached at, or 1-(303) 247-0600. Duke will be with us in Kansas City for those who wish to personally meet him. For those looking for a professional trader of commodity and futures contract might consider Ted Lee Fisher at Ted is a legend in financial futures and has a seat on the CME. I would also like to recommend long-term MMA subscriber Erwin Brunner of Zurich, Switzerland. Mr. Brunner is the founder of BrunnerInvest AG. One of his five funds was awarded the "Best in-house fund of funds" in the world recently. Mr. Brunner is a former director of the Swiss Banking Corporation (today it is known as UBS), and a general director of Rothschild Bank in Zurich. As an independent wealth manager for high net worth individuals and institutional clients only, he places his clients into the funds of the best performing fund managers in the world, via his own research and experience. For high net worth readers interested in Mr. Brunner's funds, you may contact him through

Upcoming Events:

April 14 and 16, 2011: Kansas City, Mo. "Forecasts for 2011 (latest updates)" and a "Financial Astrology Workshop" with Raymond Merriman. Sponsored by AOA. For more information, please go to, or, or call 816-774-4514. The workshop will cover projections for the U.S. stock market, precious metals, and other markets of interest to attendees. This will probably be the only Financial Astrology workshop in the United States this year. There will also be a special dinner party arranged for Friday evening, with Merriman, for those who attend the workshop (there will be a $55.00 fee for the dinner, but it will still be a special occasion to meet one another). You can also see the flyer for this weekend by going to, under EVENTS.

Our next private meeting with subscribers will take place after the all-day workshop in Kansas City, on Saturday, April 16. This is a very exciting gathering, for both myself (Merriman) and subscribers, as all kinds of interesting topics and ideas usually come up. Various market topics will be discussed and you may ask questions in this lively exchange. But you need to reserve a spot in this meeting with us ahead of time. There is no cost to subscribers, or $95.00 if not a subscriber to any daily or weekly report, or a one-year subscription to any MMA Cycles Report. To make your reservation for this special meeting, call us at 1-248-626-3034 or email Amber

May 6-8: Ljubljana, Slovenia Contact for details on Slovenia conference. The subject matter will be Financial Astrology.

In the planning stages: San Francisco in mid-August, Zurich January 6-7.

Disclaimer and statement of purpose:

The purpose of this column is not to predict the future movement of various financial markets. However, that is the purpose of the MMA (Merriman Market Analyst) subscription services. This column is not a subscription service. It is a free service, except in those cases where a fee may be assessed to cover the cost of translating this column from English into a non-English language.

This weekly report is written with the intent to educate the reader on the relationship between astrological factors and collective human activities as they are happening. In this regard, this report will oftentimes report what happened in various stock and financial markets throughout the world in the past week, and discuss that movement in light of the geocosmic signatures that were in effect. It will then identify the geocosmic factors that will be in effect in the next week, or even month, or even years, and the author's understanding of how these signatures will likely affect human activity in the times to come. The author (Merriman) will do this from a perspective of a cycle's analyst looking at the military, political, economic, and even financial markets of the world.

It is possible that some forecasts will be made based on these factors. However, the primary goal is to both educate and alert the reader as to the psychological climate we are in, from an astrological perspective. The hope is that it will help the reader understand these psychological dynamics that underlie (or coincide with) the news events and hence financial markets of the day.

No guarantee as to the accuracy of this report is being made here. Any decisions in financial markets are solely the responsibility of the reader, and neither the author nor the publishers assume any responsibility at all for those individual decisions. Reader should understand that futures and options trading are considered high risk.

Copyright MMACycles 2007; you may link to this site or page, but you may not distribute these texts in any way (by email or otherwise).


Previous weeklies (2006) are archived at

For other language editions of MMA´s weekly comments:

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