Sunday, April 3, 2011

ChartsEdge week-ahead cycle-based forecasts for equities and gold, April 4 week

If we're about to see a minor wave 2 make a hiccup in the stock market uptrend, that'll be another dip-buying opportunity. We'll check out the Elliott Wave implications soon. First, a look at cycles. We're pleased to share, below, the week-ahead cycle-based forecasts from Mike Korell's ChartsEdge (thanks again, Mike!). it's fascinating that in some of his work, he also incorporates proven data on solar cycles, geocosmics and geomagnetics. The ChartsEdge forecasts come in several types for subscribers; these shown below are his basic cycle-based maps to be used as one guide, not necessarily a standalone single method - that's why he also refers to other methods for his subscribers. For example,, Mike's ChartsEdge Daily Maps (intraday for subscribers (daytraders' delight!)) and other week-ahead and months-ahead forecasts are great supplemental views of the lows and highs to come over those various time frames. (He's also generating different forecasts with different methods in order to help subscribers gain higher degrees of confidence). There's additional info on that at his website, and some is also at my "UBTNB3" blog. So here's what his basic cycles set shows for this week:

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